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2s307366-DN's Achievements

  1. The prices for the bundles are obscene, ..i.. u.
  2. What exactly is hypocrisy? I'm not sure you know what that means :s. If you can't convince a single group to invite you, then you might be the problem. I geared up a few alts this event and was able to convince people to take me by telling them I had some experience, or letting them know I knew the mechanics, etc.
  3. Depends on how well you play and what your class is. Some classes can get away with so-so gear while others are pretty useless. During event we had to kick a few people b/c their dps was real bad or they couldn't survive a single boss aoe that wasn't avoidable. Usually once they were replaced the run was easy. Sometimes you can't bring everyone.
  4. Some of the bosses are too hard to carry undergeared people, unless the other five are super OP.
  5. Did you guys know that the agent battle was bugged again? We killed the agent but the body despawned AGAIN, there was supposed to be compensation with increased drop rated but we got nothing... I don't even know why I'm typing here, you guys don't read it. What happened to Wisp? I thought we were going to get more engagement and all that jazz. We don't get anything lol.
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