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Posts posted by Fungie

  1. On 7/14/2022 at 5:35 AM, Motgar-KT said:

    @EMPulse There are a bunch of people advertising Aion private servers, courting people to play on an Aion private server, and admitting to playing Aion private servers. I contacted support about this and they don't care and the same people are still posting in lfg about private servers and destroying our game.

    Aion Code of Conduct:

    "destroying our game" is funny. Yes Classic is being destroyed but your pointing the blame to the wrong person. Its not the player who is getting others to come to a PS that actually cares about its players, Its Ncsoft with the lack of content, events, fixes, loots, the support system, the lack of communication between higher ups and players. Have you seen how many GM's we have gone through. The last one didn't even last that long LOL it shows you how tired people are of dealing with NCsoft and throwing them money but getting nothing in return but a dead game with no content. 

    The fact that you want authorities to come and close down these booming PS only shows you don't really understand everything that has happened since classic launched and what people have put up with for over a year. 

  2. @Rin i think you guys are pushing it with the "starter" stuff for new players/returning. Most of the population are players who have been playing for months, or ever since classic released and we haven't had a event that accommodates to us besides loot buff in dungeons that don't even work.

    Also why aren't we receiving new skins on Quna shop now? The last one we got was the skin that was from an old daeva pass/event. People want new skins and motions. There is barely anything  in the game. Is it really that hard to add stuff to the Quna shop?

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