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Posts posted by Sedulicious-DN

  1. On 7/30/2023 at 10:50 PM, Gakidou-KT said:

    Aion 8.4 PvP Chanter (Toradora) - OneAboveAll DEAD



    Very nice mix and hand picked only the one time victory huh ;)? It would be nice to include all the other times or all the times that you get wiped like getting  oneshot or max 2 shots.... And stop kiting you are a chanter, it means Melee and only if you know what that means... you call this PvP or hit and run like a Pu$$y? Stop running around face your opponent and pvp, don't be a coward... it is just pvp and it means kill or be killed... Next time you pvp remember to fight and don't run... Don't be a coward post the full fight too... 

  2. 2 hours ago, xTrinityStarx said:

    Would be nice to actually see a fix for the REAL issue aion population is dying off....Luna.....Luna.....Luna people are not going to pay 50$ a month + cost of prestige pass to play a game....like you need a solution to the problem if you want people to return.....lack of good events also a major issue....really had hoped we would be seeing fix's or replys to issues by now.....but radio silence as always.....how do u expect ur players to support you and funnel money into your game if we the players are unhappy with the game and its flaws?   I stopped playing over a month ago because of luna i refuse to pay even more money for something that was intended to be farmed in game as it is in EVERY other version,   Have no issues spending money on things that make sense but i refuse to give you money at such a low value of return.  I think i speak for most players when i say luna should be your #1 priority to fix 


    Still waiting



    Well said Trinity... @Wissp you guys need to come up with some sort of solution or just close the damn door and refund what we have spent/invested so far. You are truly milking a few supporters that are no longer willing to spend money on a dead game. Add back the damn Luna or shut the damn server if you cannot afford to maintain. Or sell it to Gameforge or Amazon just make it easier for the players. This game has suffered long enough and the management has died with it... 

  3. @Roseae@Primali Yeah time to really pay attention to your players and supporters of what is left of this game. You pretty much took everything and still call this game a Free 2 Play game... I can tell you clearly that no one is gonna buy the Luna to pay for the Daeva Pass and and Event that requires Luna unless the game provides some sort of luna compensation. Take things away, the future of this game looks like the WoW in China... Please don't do the same mistake they did... We as supporters of this game are REALLY sick and tired of this type of management... Soon you will be reaching out to mother land to borrow money to pay your employees if you keep removing important stuff from the game... Read the forum and pay attention to your customers' demand and need or close the doors....

  4. @Primali A malfunctioning BOT still works and there is some AI code meaning BRAIN in there that still works... BUT NCWest  has no BRAIN and there not any since  few years... I am just checking in everyday to see when would they announce that the doors are closed like the WOW in CHINA... It is coming soon guys, it is coming, just be ready... Just don't waste more money on this shit... So sad seeing an amazing game drowning because of the POOR and WORTHLESS management. I don't understand how these guys even get paid... That money you take home is not earned is stolen and none of you deserve it you thieves.

  5. @EMpulse@RoseaeHey you just copied and pasted the same exact text from Feb 1 maintenance. Actually you edited Feb 1, post. Can you have the curtesy to correct and at least post the correct info. There is sales and Garden of Junk posted on aiononline.com.  This type of ignorance and irresponsibility disgust me to a degree that I have never seen such poor management. I will post this on other gaming forums so everyone becomes aware of how the players are treated.... Specially those who throw $$ at you paying for the AWS rent and your paychecks....


    Look at your post it say it was created January 31? Just freaking WOWWOWWW!!!!

  6. There is something called freedom of speech, a person can say anything including any sort of pyrophanites. If he said something, he would have been frustrated with the way we have been treated. An account CANNOT AND SHOULD NOT BE BANNED unless investigated thoroughly and above all SHOTBOT's account should not be banned due what he sarcastically said. I am sure he never meant it, SHOTBOT is an active player and big supported of this game. We demand that his account should be reinstated please. 

    Shotbot spent life hours to get where he is, and all his hard work cannot be turned to ashes just because he expressed his frustration.... 

  7. Yeah where is the Ulti Event, or the minion event? Or something better than 10 years old skins.... time for you guys to take us serious or you will end up closing the door to this game. Start thinking about your customers to fuel growth and revenue. Hire more experienced developers and create new content. Server your customers, would you!  

  8. @Loki @EMpulseIt has been a while since the initial post about the luna. As Trinity mentioned above, Luna is one of the major currencies that players are need of. What are we looking as far as timewise that a solution will be implemented or even better to ask if there is any solution being worked out? There are some of us that can do a few runs of Arena to barely make any Luna which is no where close to pay for the monthly Daeva Pass. Or if you NCWest trying to starve us or making us to purchase luna from BCM, the price of Luna on BCM is outrageous. Come up with a solution that can fit us all please. Put on a hat of a businessman and think about your customers. Don't make those who supports this came run away to another game, just like majority did and went to LOSTARK... We know that Aion Retail is taking its last breaths and yet you guys forcing players to grind harder. Which results in quitting.... Use some of your brain cells and create something new and fuel growth....

  9. Did you fix it yet? What are we waiting for? Another week of doing nothing, hire me so I CAN HELP you generate or fuel better revenue and support. I make it nice! People will not b!@#$ at NCWEST as much.  I am not EXPECTING any compensation from a greedy company other than a humiliated comment or a slap on the face as usual... This beautiful game is taking its last breaths.... Stop putting so much time and money into CLASSIC where the result will be AION RETAIL... Fix the root cause and then focus on another product...

  10. 1 hour ago, xTrinityStarx said:

    @EMpulse You changed your post again?,  yesterday it said to look at all your accounts and use up all event items before jan 11th.  Now it doesn't say that? regardless wintry coin NPC needs returned so players can use it.   Please add it back



    @EMpulse Yeah you added more info and took the real info out... We need the Wintry Coin NPC back since we have not done consuming all the snowballs. Also, your post states that all items will be deleted including stuff we purchased from BCM with real MONEY. That is absolutely illegal and SCAM. You take my money and then delete the item that I PAID for it and it was NOT Free, notice the key WORK here "PAID". That means I am supporting this game and paying for the paychecks. This needs to go to higher management's attention. Deleting PAID Items can cause legal issues.... I hope this mistake would never happen...

  11. We understand mistakes happen, but you can't take away these opportunities from the players. Gotta admit to the mistake and mal management and revert the dates please. This is a small community and we all need this event badly to get keep trying and hoping to get the Ultimate Transformation Contracts. Given the ratio of this RNG which is very rare to get those contracts and yet you are already reducing  the time frame for the event.  Players need this event and please revert and don't make those players who support this game say buy to AION for good. We have had enough of this poor management....

  12. 10 minutes ago, TrinityStarr-KT said:

    So I am just going to throw this out here,  I understand why we will not put the luna bag back into Contaminated Underpass Instance,  HOWEVER when we moved it from there to lugbug daily 50 kills we was able to get 20 luna per toon per day,  most all people have 13 accounts so 13x20 = 260 luna daily.....its a complete slap in the face with these new abyss rewards for weekly luna.....not even top reward gets even close to the same amount of weekly luna we was getting which was 1,820 WEEKLY,  to almost NOTHING now.... NEEDS A SERIOUS FIX!


    Now let's do a break down of what LUNA is used for in game

    Daeva pass to unlock = 2240 luna PER CHAR (Nuts for people who play multiple chars) 

    Retuning gear and accessories =  20 luna PER REROLL Avg piece takes roughly 200-500 luna to get retune where u want

    Instance resetting = 80+ luna per reset

    Perfect res =  40 luna 

    Instance buff = 20 luna


    Now keep in mind with ur "new way to make Luna"  let's say ur able to make top 100 in ranks which includes ASMO and ELYOS COMBINE!  

    that's 50 Luna per char a week = 650 Luna weekly


    We already pay for prestige passes, now you're trying to force people to buy Luna too? This game will not survive with just paying players playing.... the game requires an influx of new players coming in and playing and being able to grind what they need, obviously pay to win will be farther ahead but you're taking away the ability for free to play players to even grind their way in the game.


    We need the luna bag returned to a daily quest like before, or some other way to get 20 Luna daily per char.  Please figure it out because it has to happen if we are to be able to grow and maintain the game we love.


    Thank you,



    Another way to milk us on a dying game... We need the luna back or a better solution. Per the above calculation, buying luna from the BCM would cost about $100-$150/ month per toon. NCWest is losing its mind and is insane with such monopoly.  Fix the damn game and stop milking people or you end up shutting the door just like you did with the City Of heroes and City of Villains... That was a quick reference to remind the management and producers of what would happen when you force the supporters to pay your house's mortgage.... 

  13. 1 hour ago, Arhangelos said:

    When they first said that SAS would get luna materials as an event, I had the feeling it would be a solo thing like:

    • Do more than "X" dmg and earn a pouch of luna materials (similar to the 50 kill)

    And I thought it would be the materials, not direct luna because there are still recipes in the luna window that you cannot make without them.
    But it turns out it is a ranking thing so that kinda rubs things in a weird way for the not so geared people.

    Anyway I like the fact the acknowledge the lack of the luna pouch and try to find a way to bring luna back, they just have to find a way that real people can do it doing their daily chores and bots can't just massively take advantage of it otherwise this would only bring problems.

    "Anyway I like the fact the acknowledge the lack of the luna pouch and try to find a way to bring luna back, they just have to find a way that real people can do it doing their daily chores and bots can't just massively take advantage of it otherwise this would only bring problems."


    They are not gonna try anything. If they bring Luna bags back, how else are they gonna make money off of the Daev Pass? This is a new way of scamming and milking the 40+ players that are current... Bringing the Luna back will be another 4-6 months of manpower which NCSoft/NCWest lack as a whole. These poor soul companies need more coders and proper management. I am really surprised how they are still running, given the fact that only a few people support this game which is not enough to pay for their hosting... AWS is not cheap, especially when there is Data Egress involved... Just my 2cents...  

  14. As a GENERIC MESSAGE that states, your account is suspended or banned due to suspicious activity - I searched the banned message online and it is all over the internet. No other reason has been given. Here is what I would ask: Explain suspicious activity, LOGS, SCREENSHOT, DATE, IP, PACKET CAPTUE... I need all of these files to prove the suspicious activate  what has been done wrong or show me something that the banned account has done wrong.

  15. @Loki@EMpulse  I think NCWest does not want us to pay their bills and sign their employee paychecks. We are the only supporters and only a few of us left that pays for everything. Do you guys think twice before you take such action that causes nothing but heartache. Aion Retail is suffering and if you are planning to shut the game, please don't do us dirty like this.... Restore the damn accounts, those accounts have been there for more than 5+ years and got banned for no reason. If our accounts are not restored, this would be the end of Aion Retail... You will lose a large number of players who support this game... DON"T REPEAT THIS MISTAKE....

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