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Posts posted by Loadrng

  1. 52 minutes ago, 1s31507 said:

    What is the faction population like for the classic server starting new and dont want to pick the dead side

    Thats actually a funny joke. Well done.

    Unless it's not a joke. Then I'm afraid you are very very out of touch with the game.

    I hope you read this comment before it get's deleted, because it will. For some reason that's a trend now. Deleting comments exposing their nyerkups.

    Anyways. This is the best advice that anyone will be able to give you: DO NOT START PLAYING neither Aion or Aion Classic. The game is dead and it will take you roughly a year to catch up, and that is if you play a lot. Or around 4 months if you P2W HARD. But is it worth to P2W in a dead game?

    Virtually no open world PVP. You will find the same handful of players everyday, and they are the top geared ones for the most part. The rest is just trading kills with their spies on the other faction for easy daily quest completion.

    In PVPVE instances you will be facing geared premade groups 95% of the times (from experience, not making up numbers) and will lose 100% of those encounters. If you QE and even if you make a group you are still risking enemy spies in your group to afk, unless you know everyone in your group, of course. But who is going to carry a fresh 55 in Tac's gear? Idk.

    AP is easier to accumulate in this patch, that is true BUT you are still limited by daily quests for medals (and this depends on which faction you chose) and kinah to buy enchantment stones and manastones and godstones and to craft if that's your thing, or to buy scrolls.

    If after that you still want to continue then here is your answer:
    Elyos are winning right now. Asmos do not show up in numbers for Abyss Sieges, and sometimes lose more forts than they should in Ing/Gelk. Both sides are "dead" for a MMO, though.

  2. 4 hours ago, Easycrow said:


    We stayed silent longer than we would typically do so, because we wanted to have a resolution in place before sharing it with everyone. We are working to finalize the resolution for our region over the next couple weeks, and we will share it with you as soon as it is decided. This is (and has been) our highest priority and will be implemented as quickly as possible.


    That was the dumbest decision ever. Why not just say "hey guys, we are dealing with this and we will fix it asap". How else would we know that you are even reading the reports? For all we know you don't give a rats ass about the players.

    Damn you need to get your shit together because classic is going down way faster than retail and I'd say that comunication is one of the biggest issues around here.

  3. 1 hour ago, Togs said:

    with all respect, this is not the problem. We have more serious issues going on right now and this concern is just irrelevant

    I'm sorry but did I say that this is the most urgent issue that we have? I don't think so. It is, however, absurd. I would never put it as #1 issue, but it is a issue nonetheless.


  4. 3 hours ago, Rin said:

    By all means, I just want to solidify again that I completely understand and will continue to encourage voicing your upset and frustrations—I truly mean this. The best I can do—and my intention of quoting what is in-works with drop rates—is keep each of you informed as soon as I can to the best of my abilities, and keep forcefully reporting your voices to the team and further upwards in hopes of reaching NCSoft. I know it's not always great news to be reporting—nor do these changes come as fast as everyone would want—but I do want folks to know that we are fighting very hard to get change to happen, and will do our best to inform you all as soon as we have an update on every front with what we can or cannot do.

    Again, thank you again very much for your patience as we work diligently to address these situations, and for your kindness in addressing you upsets. 

    Please @Rin make sure that they understand that those prices are UNACCEPTABLE. Holy moly $21 for a EMOTE? F! $10 for a wardrobe slot? What in the... I know that you don't HAVE TO BUY any of it but godamn! That's more than the Aura!

  5. 3 hours ago, Forthyn - Asmodaes Pea-k said:

    Siel Elyos failed to capture a "free" fort; faction "uncoordinated"



    I'd like clarification on what you consider a "free fort", because there was a shiton of asmos pvping us. Sure IT WAS NOT the entire force, but we have less people at lvl 50, and due to that, less geared (pve, pvp, you name it). We had to have half of our force pvp and half on deity to try and hold the asmos, and even then we couldn't.

    So no, it was not free. lol

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