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Everything posted by Caterinas

  1. Was told the league has been disbanded. Any active player welcome to go. As long as they haven't been banned for misconduct.
  2. Unless my math is wrong. We cannot get the Popoku skin box. You get 112 items from 14 dailys, then 160 from the renown for 2 weeks. Thats 282 firedust. @WisspCare to explain how that works?
  3. Except if they ban his bot he will complain even more LOL
  4. @WisspFirst of all, thanks for bringing decent events and ulti combine, I agree with what is being said above. Even if I just leave my toon afk it's not good for my computer and it doesn't inspire me to play the game. Just AFK. Also what happens if I want to play an alt and get the stormwing shards on it while playing the game. Then I wasted being logged in? These items should definitely be account tradeable. Otherwise you have created a ghost town where you can't log off the char you have the egg on. Last of all people that bot this game are having a field day. Many of the "Big" named players have 40+accounts that they use as bot accounts. They can use programs to login 40+ at the same time. Even if a normal player has that many accounts. They can only login 2 for the extra shards. Please make quest to receive the shards. Allowing us to gather on are main char in a reasonable amount of time. Thank you
  5. Good event, but here come the 1million bots! LOL
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