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  1. The drop rate was fixed for NA, kind of like it is right now NCSoft? less than 300 subs and 0 open world drops. Good job NCSoft, killed your own game yet again. I wonder what Korean HQ mentality is. Let's nerf our own game, destroy its content, delete important changes, milk players for $ $ $ as much as possible then be in shock as to why we're losing players. Korean HQ needs to be made aware the Western market doesn't work like the Korean market, where more $ $ $ dump from players = more gear. Players do not want that, the majority of players anyway. They want a game where they can pay a sub, pay for skins or new content, but not pay for things that should drop in the game. Manastones? Should only come from the game, not from NCSoft's cash shop. Enchantment stones? Should only come from the game, not from NCSoft's cash shop. Reset scrolls? shouldn't exist. The only commotion of things NCSoft should make money out of should be the subscription, in-game skins, and new ingame content. Every single company on the planet that has any remote level of success, much higher than NCSoft's success anyway, exponentially higher, follows this pattern. Instead of angering your player-base more and more and turning them against you to the point where you drive the game to have less than 300 players left, maybe actually learning from past mistakes and stopping itemization of objects that should be available in the game? Terrible management and response from HQ & Dev-Ops. I'm surprised NCSoft hasn't been sued into the ground by now, considering all the gambling mechanics they purport upon their player-base.
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