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Everything posted by Shirene-DN

  1. When people stop paying for the (non-) service.
  2. DROPS FIX WHEN? (shame on you all who complain but still give them money)
  3. rewarding the highest p2w/shop spenders Posted this back in March https://forums.aiononline.com/topic/11468-your-aion-classic-is-unplayable/
  4. Won't say what everyone in the server knows cause I'll get a warning, but everyone knows.
  5. DROPS FIX WHEN? Nothing will change while all you ppl don't have this buff on Keep feeding money to this useless company and the complaints will keep getting ignored.
  6. You should have seen that coming, having already a pretty much dead server, what made you think starting in a new one would be anything other than this?
  7. I honestly don't get why anyone would still keep on giving them any money since the 2.5 mess back in February. As long as you keep financially supporting them, nothing will change.
  8. DROPS FIX WHEN? That would imply having people with actual brains in their team.
  9. If you move more than 40m away from it, the weapon disappears, so when siege starts and you get teleported, maybe you placed it too far away from the tp spot.
  10. 20 times more crowded, sieges have always 2500-3000 people fighting.
  11. No one should have ever started there to begin with.
  12. SMs too due to low numbers (medal distribution works on a max. amount per class)
  13. It's mostly just xformers who get 4-6 entire plats, another broken mechanic.
  14. You are paying the American company, NCWest, not NCSoft Korea, for the game services, it's not an excuse what their service provider does, that's completely irrelevant. As their customer, they are responsible for delivering a working product, not another company in the chain. We don't have a CM.
  15. Stop giving money to this company if you want them to ever listen.
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