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Giving Tree Raffle Winners!


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As some of you may know I promised a raffle of tree rewards and rewards from my inventory to be raffled to participants who donated for this week's trees. Unfortunately, another player who was collecting for the trees deliberately leveled the tree I begged not to level so I could raffle its rewards. The other two trees rewards are untradeable. Because of this, I am going to raffle more of my own valuable items to make up for this unfortunate scenario.

You can visit the google sheets to view everyone that participated and has their name in the raffle. I will be drawing names later today.

Here are the rewards:

1st Place: One Tempering Solution. Two Greater Felicitous Socketing Boxes [Mythic], One Shu-Ghost's Egg, and One Archangel outfit and Archangel Shoulder Adornment.

2nd Place: One Tempering Solution, One Greater Felicitous Socketing Box [Eternal],and One Blitzbolt Wings skin.

3rd Place: One Shining Enchantment Stone, 25 [Event] Dye Bundles, and 5 Strengthened Dignified Fennec Fox Form Candy.

I apologize again for not being able to raffle the Shiny tree rewards. Thank you for your understanding. I will make a reply to this post later in the day with the three winners of the raffle. Good luck everyone!


Here is the link to the google sheets, a list of everyone who participated. Good luck everyone!


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