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360 degrees screenshots into gif


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10000 hours later, I did it, it takes so much to do it correctly, trying to keep a pace of changing the camera, then I had to disable the up and down of my mouse so it won't lose the height of the camera, getting a pose that doesn't move is impossible, the only one that doesn't move the char a lot is the point finger one, then capturing it all, deleting all the double frames only to keep one of every angle...

Then I realized I couldn't be 100% consistent so I had to use the windows build in program that would take keyboard input and would translate it into mouse output (if that makes sense) so I could only hit the left arrow <--- button and it would simply roll the camera around at a specific speed. So this made it easier, I captured it with fraps in a continuous speed and then cropped it and turned it into a gif... in a big fat file of 185 MB, yes because gifs are so badly implemented, the same 2~3 second file would be like 5 MB if it was a video file. So I had to resize it to make it smaller by about 1/9th the size.

I wish there was some sort of external application to view the files of aion so you could get perfect screenshots in any pose you want with a single colour background to keep all details.

Anyway, just let it load a little bit, it is 7~8 MB, it should go kinda spastic originally and then it should run in normal speed.



And as I said this is still flawed, my char was 99% static, but he still moved as if he was breathing etc, there is no way to make the char stay 100% still in any specific pose and from all the poses that one is the most static. GIF is also not size friendly, I had to remove about 2/3 of the frames and resize this into about 1/3 of the original width and height

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20 hours ago, Sajeed-DN said:

There is a feature called Nvidia Ansel which supports 360 degree screenshot, alas aion doesn't support ansel ;)

Here you can check which games are supported by Ansel atm : https://www.nvidia.com/en-us/geforce/geforce-experience/games/

Thank you so much for this, WoW has an amazing application that allows you to grab the graphics of your char and see it in 3D. You can even use it in any pose you want. Anyway I do not have an NVidioa graphic card.

Aion was never community friendly.

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