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Pause Luna instances when player disconnects


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I just lost a fourth run of Contaminated Underpath to a crash. This is a huge issue because it means that I can't get S rank, and when I reconnect, I get 0 points (Likely because it takes me 1-2 minutes to load), so I don't even qualify to have finished the event. (Class F)

However, if the game had saved my progress, it still would have been possible for me to have come back and finished the defense with an S rank.

It also shouldn't be too hard to implement- For CU, you could simply save wave#, current timer, score, turret types (which could all fit in 1 byte), barrier HP, and the healing platform cooldown. You also reconnect into CU, so that's not an issue.

Guessing some data types leads this to be 

Wave# - unsigned int8 - 1 byte (could be optimized to a nibble, or 4 bits.)
Healing Platform Cooldown - unsigned int8 (probably) - 1 byte
Turret Types - unsigned int8 - (2 bits per turret, e.g. 0 = empty, 1 = single shot, 2 = area antiair, 3 = regular)
Current timer - unsigned short - 2 byte (Would be seconds remaining)
Score - long - 4 byte
Barrier HP - unsigned long (probably) - 4 byte


For SMF, save the list enemy clusters cleared, current timer, score, boss HP (which would be 100% if not encountered yet)


Editing this because i prematurely posted lol

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Reposting the SMF paragraph, because I'm not allowed to edit anymore
(Also the total for CU saving is 13 bytes)

For SMF, save the list enemy clusters cleared, current timer, score, boss HP (which would be 100% if not encountered yet) (also for all four bosses)
More guessing!

Clusters - int8 - (1 bit refers to a cluster, 0 if existing, 1 if cleared)
The cannons/gate could also be considered a cluster if you're going for concise data storage, but I feel it could be more beneficial to store them with the boss HP, since they do take a while to kill. Also the gate.

Current Timer - unsigned short - Seconds remaining

Score - long

Boss HP (for all four bosses) (or seven/eight) - long

This leads to a total of 7 + (16 or 28).

I feel like less than 64 bytes is a good price to pay to make it so players can enjoy the safety of knowing their instances aren't lost if they crash, or say, their power goes out. Thanks!

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