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Apostle Box from StormWing


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Hi. I am a returned player and this seem to be a important choice for the future.

I'm already read one topic here about this, but i got confused what is the best choice for my class
Im chanter, focus in heal in PVE , i have other characters but i dont care enought to chose thinking in all of them
What the best apostle for chanter. I understand c.speed cap is 35% so i should chose a hybrid transformation.
So Vaizel's or Lumiel's is the best choice ?

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37 minutes ago, Serafiiim said:

Hi. I am a returned player and this seem to be a important choice for the future.

I'm already read one topic here about this, but i got confused what is the best choice for my class
Im chanter, focus in heal in PVE , i have other characters but i dont care enought to chose thinking in all of them
What the best apostle for chanter. I understand c.speed cap is 35% so i should chose a hybrid transformation.
So Vaizel's or Lumiel's is the best choice ?

C.speed cap is 75% not 35%. What class are you? If you are a c.speed class get the Apostle transform that gives you good c.speed + some attack speed.

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1 minute ago, Arhangelos-KT said:

C.speed cap is 75% not 35%. What class are you? If you are a c.speed class get the Apostle transform that gives you good c.speed + some attack speed.

My class is chanter , but i play like a healer in dungeons.


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20 minutes ago, Serafiiim said:

My class is chanter , but i play like a healer in dungeons.


If you really need c.speed too then Triniel Apostle is the best, ti gives you +32% attack speed +23% c.speed. 

Think of it like this:

Legendary transforms by attack speed bonus:
+45% = Kromede
+36% = Valiant Pixel
+35% = pretty much everything else that has attack speed only

Best combined c.speed/a.speed transforms
+32% a.speed +23% c.speed = Yustiel Apostle, Triniel Apostle (good for mainly attack speed chars with some casting needs)
+35% c.speed + 20% a.speed = Vaizel Apostle, Lumiel Apostle (good for casting chars, attack speed is beneficial to all classes)
...then you have the other combinations from the old 10 types which are worse

So if you need an apostle with both attack speed and c.speed I guess for a chanter the Yustiel/Triniel should do, they are 32% attack speed so it is pretty good and you get the extra 23% c.speed. Plus as a chanter you also get the Roaring Judgment daevanion which is an awesome self buff that gives you a lot of attack speed + WoW that is giving you even more.

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