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Everything posted by LeDoosh-DN

  1. Bots are blamed for this, its not that they caused this. Shitty programming and ncwest not maintaining their game in any form or fashion caused this. The amount of people, bot or not, in contaminated underground at one time cannot cause the instability. The bots are using the instance the same amount every day but the crash happened near the end of the week which means something like a memory leak. Aka shitty programming. They could have banned the obvious bots or god forbid fixed their programming however they took the easy route like every other time and shit all over the few remaining players left. NCWest does not care, they never have. Whatever solution is the least amount of work for them is the solution they choose. Not to mention this would have happened with a healthy population and no bots. And their solution would have been the same.
  2. An oft-quoted bon mot (frequently attributed to Albert Einstein, Benjamin Franklin, or a number of other people who probably never said it) is that insanity may be defined as “doing the same thing over and over and expecting different results.” Why the nyerk don't you all who keep posting over and over and over get the damn picture yet? They don't give a shit. They will change nothing. If you don't spend money they will just shut down the game. Games die. They've been trying to kill this one for half the time its been in NA. Just because we've wasted so much time on this game doesn't mean we should try to convince ourselves that things will change. They will throw us a scrap, the same people will say "THANK YOU OMG FOR THE CRUMB" and the overwhelming majority who have already quit will realize they had fun while it lasted. Whether you spend $0 or thousands, who cares. If you thought aion was an investment in money or time you deluded yourself. Let the old horse die and stop trying to ride it.
  3. Just close down the game. You've officially entered shit show territory now.
  4. Aion is just extra work for NCwest staff. No one's job is dependent on it. It's why year after year no effort is put into the game. The only reason the game is still here, at least under ncwest, is because it costs KR nothing extra to keep it here.
  5. Lmao, you guys are mad? Think of the poor nyerk who has to log in and edit 300 accounts. HAVE SOME SYMPATHY FOLKS
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