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Ethyrea-DN's Achievements

  1. Yes. Knowing that your work WILL pay off (after the 3 tries at most) at least provides some light at the end of that tunnel.
  2. Someone obviously got their proc and wants to try and keep it away from others. In a game where RNG determines most everything, the sense of achievement that you speak of is not equivalent across the board for everyone. In 2009/2010 the drop rate was very different as I had to farm 1100 bloods (1000 for my husband’s 9 fails and only 100 for mine since I proced the first time). So using your math with old drop rates .. 1100 bloods would be at least 1400 hours .. or 2hrs a day for 2 years. 2 yrs for a pair of pants .. No thank you. That isn’t an achievement that is a stupid waste of time and not a fun way to play a game.
  3. I also only open bundles as needed. Changes in existing bundle contents should have been mentioned in patch notes .. or news .. or a forum post . I hope this was a mistake and is changed back.
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