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Posts posted by Load

  1. 2 hours ago, Squid said:

    You need 100s of hours in the game before it gets good. How many 100s of hours has sneaky played Lost ark for now? Pretty sure he is no longer sponsored in lost ark yet he still plays it.

    I'm not going to make a comparision between those 2 because that is not a fair comparision.

    2 hours ago, Squid said:

    Also we know nothing about his sponsorship deal(unless sneaky said and i missed it) with NCwest for all we know he was sponsored for 4 hours a day for 1 month OR alternatively maybe he was sponsored to hit level 55 before he gets paid.

    From what I understood, it was a 2 days sponsor of 2h each. It should be over now... unless I misunderstood and if that is the case then there is still hope.

    2 hours ago, Squid said:

    Look when i say superior i say superior to the masses, I like Aion i think original Aion easily a top 3 game in my books and it got better all the way up until the addition of omega stones. However there is no contest when you look at content being created/game streamed and game played GW2 is clearly a superior game to Aion in the west.

    This is because Aion's design is bad for content creators. The moment they make it to PvP zones they are going to get destroyed camped and never be able to participate in content because they will have no gear and will be targeted by sin's and worse transforms who just want face time on streams and drop N bombs because gamers think that is funny for some reason. Is the entire Asmo or Elyos faction going to run protection whenever sponsored players are online? I doubt it.

    I don't know... people were very supportive of Sneaky sending kinah, items and giving tips. I do think that the asmos would have helped him.

    2 hours ago, Squid said:

    Also there is one more thing, There is the potential that 20-30+ people were approached for sponsored Aion streams and Sneaky and his agent was the only one that agreed to play Aion classic because if you look at western sentiment of NCwest it is poor and many of them i believe will understand that doing a positive sponsored stream with NCwest will hurt their channels more than it would help their channel.

    Either way i am kinda just getting theoretical now so ill stop here.

    The referral link is still on his profile. So maybe I was wrong.

    It's interesting to note that there is a mention of "Towelliee" in the referral link as shown in the image below (link: https://www.inflcr.co/SHCXK).


    But the last message that I found of Towelliee mentioning Aion Classic was  not good:


  2. 1 hour ago, Squid said:

    Who do you suggest they get then? GW 2 streamers would not bother because they play a superior NCsoft game. WoW gamers are addicts that like only WoW. Lost ark streamers are playing and updated korean grinder. BDO streamers will find Aions pace to slow.

    Just be happy they are actually starting to do some sponsored streams at all. It mite just be the start of a long list of sponsored streams they plan on doing.

    It was a genuine surprise to me that they did a sponsored stream and that is a great start because it does mean that they have listened to the community or at the very least are bringing up western culture promotion tactics at their meetings.

    I think that my post is self explanatory. It does say what I think they should do but I can add the following:

    I disagree that GW2 is a superior game. People have different takes on games. And if you really think it's superior then why bother with Aion at all?

    They could try to bring some RPG people into MMORPG. That's how I started.

    Maybe show off some of the 2.2 changes that will make life infinitely easier for new players free full SR gear + weapon for one, easier to to stigma slot quests, several campaigns that needed a group will be able to be solo'd...

    As for the stream itself, Sneaky did very well with the tools he was given. But he didn't know a lot about the Classic version that was not there in the Live version back in the day. Like leveling faster only doing campaigns. Level cap, content added, etc...

    Yes, it's a good thing that they are doing something, but please do it right.

    The one thing we desperately don't need is bad marketing... I saw a lot of people in chat saying things like "game looks awful".  Well ofc it does early game.

    I'd rather they only ran some Google/Youtube Ads tbh...

  3. So you guys paid a League of Legends streamer to play Aion for 4 hours as a completely new player with no knowledge of the game at all.

    It's not his fault, but all he has shown was a boring and very slow early game grind that not even I like (o9 veteran here) and I really like the game (at endgame).

    Like, really?!

    You do realize that a LOL streamer's audience is NOT your target audience, right? RIGHT?!

    At very least try to get some MMORPG streamers... (And please do a background check to see if they are not toxic like the FFVIX (edit: streamers) you once featured in the launcher Kappa).

    Why does it always feel like you are out of touch with the game? =(

  4. On 6/3/2022 at 4:31 AM, Squid said:

    It is trashed in the east as well. The difference is they have a 5-1 bot to player ratio so they can buy all their kinah from 3rd parties while here they are selling 10m for $15 in which mind you is funny because some of the people i know who are buying kinah for enchantment stones that cost 5m ea quit retail because spending $'s to enchant accessories was p2w. Now they are spending more on 2 enchantment stones than they ever did on tempering and consider it fair. 

    Does give me a good chuckle.

    Yeah the bots are unreal in KR... but yet they still have many more legit players than us. It's really a shame.

  5. Today I have spent 18 mins trying to OPEN THE LAUNCHER. 😃

    It just wouldn't load and I had to force-close it on task manager. SOMETIMES it would give me an "can't connect to server" error, but most of the times it just sit there trying to load the login form. The launcher legit didn't even open the login form.

    Another friend had that issue last week, and I have it from time to time too.

    No AV, nothing is blocking the Launcher. Everything else works online...

  6. 4 hours ago, Putyoutosleep said:

    I am bored in 2.0.

    I understand the cool down timers for the new instances similar to DP. Without them, some lucky individuals would be maxed eternal gear and terribly upset the gear imbalance further. I understand that it was my choice to level fast to 55. Considering my personal schedule leveling one class to 55 seemed like the best thing in order to participate in besh. 

    However, the change in fort instance timers is confusing and hindering to the majority of the population. While I assume the majority of the population doesn't have a full set of 50e, I could be wrong... That said, those of us with less time, or resources to participate/buy medals, or that seek such gear in legitimate ways, are quite crippled (at least my efforts) to complete a full pvp 50e set in order to remain competitive in PVP instances. 

    I am curious that more effort isn't concentrated in making the playing field more uniform @Rin

    Why can't those with multiple sets of 50e armors and weapons be limited from forts for example, but those of us without allowed daily entry with daily quests? Or, that PVP gear be tradeable; however, not an idea solution due to the pay to play aspect. But at this rate we are doing that now by buying AP from the deava pass...


    If there are non-believers you should go look at player auctions dot com. Its like raining 50e equipment over there. I do understand that some of those individuals paid real money for their AP. That said, Aion 2.0 is incredibly boring because of the extended cool downs, limited ways to create wealth, and changes to AP gain that making me log off because there isn't much to do. 

    Saying there is "no content" is the only part I disagree. My static can't even do everything that we could be doing in the game daily. We have to always leave something out of our routine. Sure we all work full time jobs and most of us have a wife/girlfriend and some (like me) also have a kid.

    Now the Fort Instances change from daily to weekly is BS. It's a slap in the face of new players because they are not giving out 7x the reward, barely 2.5x from what I heard (I am yet to run those since 2.0).

    That said I'm ok with the daily cooldowns. I wish they would keep Fort Instances daily, though, or increase the rewards (and droprate from the last box) by 7x.

    I was also going to go after 50e, and that is still possible, but without the new AP instance (which I forgot the name now) and the weekly CD on Fort Instances, it's going to be kind of tough to get any PVP gear.

    Keep in mind that pretty much my entire group just came back to the game around 30 days ago. We missed the Returnee pass for a week maybe lol. That would have helped a ton! Still we have been making 130-160k AP per week, which is not bad, but could be better. I also still need the Dragon Deity Warhammer on my Templar and the change to weekly reset will make that a lot harder I'm afraid.

  7. 13 hours ago, Neferupito said:

    At lvl 50 I had maximum soul sickness and only had to pay 1.5m to heal it. While it's a lot, at least it doesn't get worse than this and if you're ok with 5 minutes soul sickness then you can keep it this way until you need a shorter soul sickness

    My Gladiator has 3.5m kinah of SS (48m EXP). It's way too high... it's like they want us to RMT!

  8. 3 hours ago, Mitsuha said:

    I know. A GM already confirmed I am not eligible because I came back Saturday 5/21 instead of today 5/25 rofl. It's actually an insult at this point. I could just use my friend's account at this point and log him in and be better off for 2.0 than my own account because I logged in 4 days earlier.



    Rin just answered and said you can. See, no need to panic. And btw, never trust support. They know less than the producers. And producers don't know anything...

    2 hours ago, Grombrindal said:

    This is absolute garbage. completely punishing current player base. make it available to everyone. 

    I do agree that it should be to everyone... =/

  9. 20 minutes ago, Nia said:

    The point is, anyone who heard about 2.0 and came back to the game recently is no longer eligible, because it's restricted to people who haven't logged on within the past 28 days. So it's just punishing people who were interested enough to log in again before 2.0 launched, which is not the best way to retain your early bird returning players.

    I'm in that boat myself, I resubbed a few days ago to get to 50 before 2.0 and I'm missing out now when I could have waited ☹️ 

    I hope that we can get the 28 day requirement lifted or changed to something else. It would be great for the playerbase if it was open to anyone so that people can catch up regardless of when they last logged off. 

    You misundesrtood what I said. Read it again. You probably have some time after login in for the first time after being inactive for 28 days or more to claim it. If that's not the case then I'll be the first to call bs. But we just don't know yet.

  10. 7 hours ago, 19s6388B said:

    i just returned after a few years away. i cant progress unless i sub..thats not really ftp.  cant find out where all my old chars are. Support is useless..cant pick up the items i need to finish quests..wtf?

    Old chars? Maybe you downloaded the Classic version instead of Retail? This is the classic portion of tbe forums btw. Scroll down for retail and check if you have downloaded the correct version of the game.

  11. I'd play Asmo again if I was sure I'd have a static, or at least a spot saved in a active legion willing to help me get gear. And that would have to include daily DC runs for my spear.

    Sadly that was already hard 5 months ago when I decided to switch to Elyos and by that time the asmos were still going strong.

    In any case if you are reading this and you think that it would be possible, hit me with a PM and I'll reroll back to Asmo. Not asking for kinah or giveaways, just assurance of having groups to run stuff with.

  12. 1 hour ago, Nalariel said:

    Easy answer for no pve server because they can't sell p2w in that server.

    No pvp = no point to pay 2 win.

    This is true to an extent. They can still make TONS of money off of pure PVE, but they would have to make Aion PVE much, much better for that to happen. Look for videos on FFXIV or Lost Ark endgame content for a more elaborated PVE experience that is worth paying for.

    Aion PVE, with some RARE exceptions, are pure DPS race fights with some adds...

  13. 30 minutes ago, Cyfur said:

    What they need is a soloable L50 instance where you can get some AP to buy stigmas.


    I mean... if they give you some gear that you can run instances with, then they don't need to "hand" you stigmas, you can grind yourself.

    Is the free SR a nice addition to the game? Yes, but it's coming way too late. In 2.0 or 2.2 SR gear will be garbage... they should give it away now to help people farm DP gear. This is for new players btw. To attract new players to the game. Make it less painfull for the grind to START.

    I honestly don't know why don't they think of those quality of life stuff sooner... 

  14. 5 hours ago, Tasoulaaaa said:

    On the kr servers for 2.2 they have made Sr soloable with getting the full set in 3 repeats with the wepon they have also made the lvl 25 instance soloable as well. 

    With the lvl 42 skill being sold on the skill vendor.

    For 2.4 they have rebalenced the campaigns to make the soloable as well.

    The changes are coming even it's a bit to slow but then we might have a mix and match from later patches into 2.0 at launch that should help players catch up.

    My therory is that we will be getting 2.2 with 2.0 like they have done before in earlier patches for us

    We needed those changes YESTERDAY! lol

  15. On 4/28/2022 at 2:40 PM, Violet said:

    Some of us been playing Classic for more than 9 months, since day 1 and the server isn't really enjoyable right now, staff changed so many important things and it affected all the end game players. Honestly, I don't believe this post will change something soon but I just wanted you to know the things that been affecting this game in a negative way@Rin. I made a list of some things that you guys should bring back / add in game and that us, players, would really appreciate and love:


    1. Brusthonin / Theobomos gold items and godstones: It affected game economy really bad, affected the gameplay for players that like to grind your own stuff, bots still exists, that won't change, bots numbers on KR are even worse, Aion is a grinding game and we'd like to have the option to grind everything.

    2. Sieges: Defending a fortress is the most lame thing right now, we don't get medals for defending so most people don't care to go defend and if there's a Dredgion going on, doesn't take 5 seconds to them to kill our deity, it's ridiculous. It's impossible to get divine fortress because we don't have too many active players to get it, maybe make his hp adjustable with the reality of our server.

    3. Quna Shop / Daeva Pass: Putting the "Purra Cat Weapon Selection Box" was great choice. We love skins and we really would like to see more skins available on shop. Aion is a game with so many nice skins and we been getting similar skins on premium daeva pass, if I remember we had 2 similar skins, like a wedding dress, who's choosing it? C'mon, I'm sure you can do it better. Shop is still poor, in my opinion, why you guys don't add motions, permanent pets, emotes and the essential: MORE SKINS for all the kind of people, not only wedding dress!


    That's so far what I miss in the game and I believe more people miss these things too. Our Aion community are very tired to make posts like this because you guys don't listen but we only want Aion to have more players and not to be a dead game.

    1. Totally agree. They should reconsider those changes for NA.

    2. I do not agree with this. The game is not balanced. Factions are not balanced. One faction would hold all fortresses, pretty much like it was before this change save rare ocasions.

    3. Please more skins...

    On 4/30/2022 at 7:11 AM, Thronos-DN said:

    How to improve Aion Classic and attract more active players?

    Does the aion community want more new active players though? Ask yourself this question, when was the last time you have mentored a new player? Or when was the last time you have been helpful to someone that needed to find a quest, dungeon, information, etc. From what I see on LFG and from experience of new players that I talk to is a very toxic community that's looking down on unskilled or new players that don't meet their criteria for "2k DPS" or "PvP geared premade" "paying 90mill each group member if bakarma spear drops". And to top it off all the technical mistakes ncsoft has done managing the game because they don't know their own game so what you have left are just clickes of people circle jerking each other complaining and wondering why the server is dead. So the next time you're wondering why the server is empty just take a look at the mirror.


    On 4/30/2022 at 11:09 AM, Squid said:

    This is not really true, There are a lot of players who are willing to tell new players do campaigns to get to level 50 there are not many players at all that are willing to help them complete the campaign's and then even less players who are willing to play with a fresh level 50.

    So while objectively you are correct people do help lowbies/new players the level of help is not at the level that would keep players around long term in the game.

    Are you going to stop doing S rank DP(if you are doing S rank DP) to help a new player do their first B or A rank DP? You mite but the reality is 99.95% of the community would not unless they can no longer get people on to do their own run.


    For the two points above, this is a flawed game design. Players should not be "forced" to help new players, the game should do that. We are 9 months in Classic and there is virtually no catch up mechanic for new players.

    Maybe give new players full SR set + weapon for doing SR 1, 2 or 3 times killing all bosses or something like that. SR gear is not game breaking and it would allow them to start doing all endgame content: DP S, Fort instances HM, etc. This would be  HUGE change and it would cost NOTHING to NC.

    This is just a RANDOM idea that came to mind. It took me 10 seconds.

    On 5/1/2022 at 11:53 AM, Tron said:

    1. Offer a cheaper sub option that has limits ( 3-5$ gets you 3 hours of siels a day) - This is something NCwest should be capable of doing with their toolset. 


    2. Allow F2P players to do quests and get the rewards but not allowed to loot dropped items. This is something NCwest can not do with their current toolset.


    3. Promote PVP videos, Fort Sieges and streamers to bring players back and entice new players.  This is something NCwest can do with their current toolset.

    1. I'm all in for a cheaper sub, but no limits to Aura. They could limit you to have only 1 character for, lets say $8 or $10 a month. No other limitations.

    2. Yes! This is ridiculous that F2P can't even collect quest items roflmao.

    3. They won't advertise sadly. It would be awesome, though.

    On 5/1/2022 at 12:01 PM, Kynurenigh said:

    Well, one of the reasons why the game is dying is because they market to toxic people.  The main thing bringing toxic players in is the P2W. They also go beyond that and market appearances that are inherently toxic such as https://i.imgur.com/1BjnMY8.jpeg. It's like they are supporting toxic behavior.

    This makes no sense. It's just a emote... it's the same as calling people who like to see female characters in bikini's perverts. WTF? It's a videogame.

    On 5/1/2022 at 2:03 PM, Avator-KT said:

    May I add another issue is that a -significant- portion of our players are EU and can't participate in half the content?

    Can't we have another tiak window earlier in the day?

    Sieges a bit earlier? Even for east coast NA.. divine from midnight to 1am is maddness

    I want better times for SA then too. This is not a thing they should do imo...

    On 5/2/2022 at 6:30 PM, marikazan-KT said:

    Some glaring issues i see for any new or returning player.

    Due too low population and most people now at 50.

    Skill Books and Stigmas are in ridiculously short supply,there should be a vendor or Event leading up too 2.0 launch.

    I saw a inescapeable judgment go for 20 Million Slashing Winds 10 million plus ,new players cannot compete with that same as Stigmas high demand ones are rarely on broker.

    Group Content a lot of campaigns do require groups too complete it takes hours to get groups for quests and dungeons,who wants to play in a empty MMO.These end campaign quests should be made so they can be done solo,since the population is unlikely to ever recover.

    We have had loads of Experience Events and also double AP so why still refuse to put in 100/200% Experience and AP amulets into shop permanently?

    Also AP amulets why not increase ones for a hour like before even with 100% weekends it takes hundreds of thousands of AP to grind out a basic 30 elite set.

    Gear drops while im all for running dungeons players want too see gear progression,running any dungeon whether it be FT or  other dungeons simply to get a Extendable which is a given for pvp is not enjoyable and just makes people quit,and again at 50 players hit the paywall because a lot dont have half a billion kinah to drop on a weapon.

    I was really hoping Korea would of learnt from its original release and fixed the issues that saw the game bleed thousands of players in the first few months,there was a lot of opportunity here to make this game sustainable with some minor tweaks before its release yet they are always done after the games lost players it makes no sense when it was preventable.


    On 5/6/2022 at 3:35 PM, Nia said:

    As a returning player I'd like to see:

    • Leveling survey items available to more than one character. The leveling support items are really useful, but for those of us who haven't settled on/geared a main yet, it's painful to have everything locked to one character.
    • Kinah for skill books please :( It gets painful around level 40 with how expensive everything is.

    Yes for both. We NEED catch up mechanics as I have mentioned above. You don't want to give people free PVP gear, but provide the means for people to start farming it, such as my idea of a full SR set + weapon. I don't see the harm that it could do, at this stage of the game, to give people free SR gear.

    Some might arguee that crafting would become obsolete, and it would to some extend. But answer me this: can new players even afford the 7-25m kinah for crafted stuff? They can't even buy all their skill books lol.

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