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  1. Hey uhm… mastarius and veille aren’t fighting.. and we can’t attack or heal them, so while it’s fantastic that you and the new team will be supporting the server, we really need in game GMs monitoring the game, quickly fixing bugs, etc. All of us love and adore this game but it’s difficult to be able to enjoy it with the continuous random bugs or breakdowns in mechanics.
  2. Unfortunately @Primali y’all have waited too long to improve the environment of NA classic and many have unsubbed/refusing to play. While I understand with the employee cutbacks and everything, many feel the lack of communication and lack of attention to the players has pushed them over the edge. In order to get people back, y’all are going to need to send out incentive surveys, improved drop rates, heck maybe even the next new content (lv60 max lvl, new instance/areas, maybe even the new class) in order for many of us to come back. Improved communication as to WHY would go a long way with many players.
  3. This is legitimately insulting. A whole 5 greater healing pots, 1 manastone, a boon, and a cube expansion ticket? The events we used to have in retail were usually awesome and fun and CONTRIBUTED to the economy. This whole new patch has been a joke. We were given ABG gear and an instance that lasts 15min? And that’s it? We’re tired. We’re tired of the same content over and over and over again. And it couldn’t have even been implemented correctly and its taking you a month to fix the issues that are literally a few lines of code? It takes me three days to get a new char to 55, and gear it within two weeks. There’s only so much BTHM and U/LUT I can run before wanting to claw my eyes out. Sieges are somewhat fun again, so I’ll give you that, but what’s the point of them in abyss when the medals are still nyerked.
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