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Aion Discord Extortion


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It has been brought to my attention that the Aion Discord now has links in messages sent to the playerbase intended to steal passwords and extort players to make a quick buck. It's just an extension of the red flags seen with that discord; bullying, scamming, and server admins trying to make a quick buck. It's a common pattern seen over and over again. This discord needs to be shut down somehow, as the server admins aren't trustable.

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It's a hack that originated outside of that discord server and was spread throughout multiple Aion discord servers via someone in the Aion community getting hacked. It has nothing to do with the members of the server other than a few unfortunate souls who were affected by the hack. Moral of the story: Don't open links unless you can confirm it's from a friend and not an automated hack~

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There is absolutely no way to prove these links aren't from the server admins and anyone claiming so is suspicious; one can't prove the absence of anything. As I said, the server admins are not trustable and certainly are not reliable since they are anarchists, they will do nothing to actively protect our community and will destroy it. I'm sure we all agree that the one's operating these proxy accounts are also anarchists. A lot of people outside the official community are anarchists, and the forums has rules against anarchist behavior which protects us. I'll say it first, don't join any discord as it's just a way to get around forum rules and undermine the authority of and protection given by our great moderators here on the Aion Forums. It is extremely unsafe to leave the Aion Forum Community.

Edited by Motgar-KT
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Stuff like that happens all the time, the fact that it happened within the Aion Discord community isn't remotely related to the team that runs that server. Stuff like that doesn't have specific targets and certainly didn't originate from our small player-base or any of the mods/admins in that Discord server. Someone in the Aion Discord community fell for the hack and it spread from there (as these things do, it's what they're designed for), but it's point of origin certainly isn't even related to the server or the community. You sound paranoid and delusional going on like this. Would you be acting this way if someone in some other (non-Aion related) discord server sent you a DM with a similar scam? Would you yell about corruption and extortion when it was just some unlucky person unknowingly/unintentionally spreading it? You didn't even have to be in the server you're mentioning for one of these to show up in your DM's.  It was pure chance that someone in the Aion community was sent the link and fell for the scam, thus spreading it. 

Discord scams have been going around for years, this one isn't anything new or Aion specific. 

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On 8/7/2022 at 4:42 PM, Edict said:

There is absolutely no way to prove these links aren't from the server admins and anyone claiming so is suspicious; one can't prove the absence of anything. As I said, the server admins are not trustable and certainly are not reliable since they are anarchists, they will do nothing to actively protect our community and will destroy it. I'm sure we all agree that the one's operating these proxy accounts are also anarchists. A lot of people outside the official community are anarchists, and the forums has rules against anarchist behavior which protects us. I'll say it first, don't join any discord as it's just a way to get around forum rules and undermine the authority of and protection given by our great moderators here on the Aion Forums. It is extremely unsafe to leave the Aion Forum Community.

Just Wow talk about tinfoil hat conspiracy nutjob theory's.Discord is perfectly safe to use and is in fact essential in mmo communitys too successfully complete group content.It's no different to getting a spam email and stupidly clicking on the link then crying about getting scammed/hacked or whatever.People need too take resposibility for any unknown links they click on.

As someone has stated if you get  a dm or link sent too you from a unknown then dont click on it.Spreading around rumors that every discord is out to get you is simply false and misleading.

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17 minutes ago, marikazan-KT said:

Just Wow talk about tinfoil hat conspiracy nutjob theory's.Discord is perfectly safe to use and is in fact essential in mmo communitys too successfully complete group content.It's no different to getting a spam email and stupidly clicking on the link then crying about getting scammed/hacked or whatever.People need too take resposibility for any unknown links they click on.

As someone has stated if you get  a dm or link sent too you from a unknown then dont click on it.Spreading around rumors that every discord is out to get you is simply false and misleading.

All your assumptions are false.

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