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Oh kind and benevlovent massa's


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Riches beyond belief have rained down upon me this the the 30th day of May in the year 2023.


I have logged into Aion and was gifted a gift that will go down in the annals of history as the greatest gift our great overlords have bestowed upon our unclean hands. That or I instantly deleted this complete garbage...

what the actual nyerk? Surely this is  joke and you're laughing at this complete garbage of a joke 'event'. Literally, could you have given us more meaningless garbage?

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Hail to the Massa's!

Hail to the Massa's!

Hail to the Massa's!

Hail to the Massa's!

We are ever so graced and blessed with the amazing gifts which are bestowed upon us daily.

Thank you for your continued appreciation to us little peasant people.


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Is this for real??? How long did it take for all the genius's to come up with  this pathetic event?? I mean its insulting to see, To think that you all care. It certainly doesn't show from the survey an this event with keys.. I would like to know how do we as players benefit from it?? Apparently  you all have not listened to a word the players have been complaining about.      We get white manastones.. I mean WHITE!!! which is of very little help  an especially forget about the broker; prices are  unheard of now.  Now we get keys to what? boxes that have JUNK  yes listen JUNK in them.. This is the absolute worst!!!! This is going to go on until the middle of June too.. I guess   all of the heads of this game sat around an decided  to give us this in appreciation of our dedication of trying to make AION CLASSIC number 1..   Thank you all so very much.

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