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Nochsana training camp transformation healing skill


Nochsana training camp transformation healing spell  

1 member has voted

  1. 1. Do you agree with adding a healing skill to Nochsana training camp's transformation?

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  • Poll closed on 07/01/2023 at 01:32 AM

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I've been playing with my Chanter at Nochsana training camp. When I was level 25 it was almost impossible for me, at level 30 or higher the difficulty dropped a lot. In both cases I must partially thank the healing ability that the class has. Since not all classes have healing magic, I would like to know if it would be a good idea if they added a healing skillto the transformation.


He estado jugando con mi Chanter a Nochsana training camp. Cuando era nivel 25 me resultó casi imposibe, al nivel 30 o superior la dificultad se redujo bastante. En ambos casos debo agrader parcialmente a la capacidad de curación que tiene la clase. ya que no todas las clases cuentan con magia curativa, me gustaría saber si sería buena idea qu agregaran una habilidad curativa a la transformación.


Edited by Ominosa
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  • Ominosa changed the title to Nochsana training camp transformation healing skill

Kill the mobs, sit down and recover or use pots.

There is no healing skill in the pipeline.

If you want to know what has been developed, watch videos on the Korean releases of Aion Classic, they are usually ahead of NA by 6-12 months.

If a skill like that was essential, the Korean players would have pestered the devs for it years ago.

If you are taking too much damage in NTC, then you are probably too low level, or insufficiently geared.


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