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Help getting geared for max lvl or at least next gear to go for next


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Hi. Returning player here and started playing again. Just finished all Cygnea campaign quests and got a box of plus 10 purple gear which was helpful in facing newer areas. Just got to Illuma and I have no idea which gear or weapon to go after and im lost. Casual player here and mostly do pve until I can find a new legion. Im trying to get myself reacquainted with the new content but there's a lot. Any tips of which gear to go for next. I would really appreciate it. 

Thank you in advance. 


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This thread is a couple days old, so you might have already discovered this. However, the top pve (Master Harvester) and pvp (Caeus) gear is currently being given out like candy in the event by running pve instances. You can get geared very fast. The reason this is the case is because that gear is going to be useless** next week when the 6.2 patch releases on Oct 24. In other words, don't worry too much about getting geared right now.

** Will not be useless if you manage to enchant it to the adequate amounts necessary to have it exchanged. More info: https://docs.google.com/spreadsheets/d/1ZFCqgEX2rPLQ1CCXcFqYirA57mKIsNAr_kJuz1lVI8Q/edit?usp=sharing

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