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PVE Gear Replacement for Cygnea Campaign Gear


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Hi Guys, just want to ask what's the easiest best replacement for the Cygnea +10 Campaign Gear? Been using the set to level up from 55-70 and now I feel like the set is at its limit. Where can I farm for the new gear? Also where what's the best accessories I can get for PVE. Any comments would be really appreciated. Thanks.

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26 minutes ago, BlackRaven-SL said:

For acceosories going for apollon is a win, now the materials are super cheap, for the gear you can opt for apollon gear also.

Thanks for the Info. Quick question though, is the AC gear better than the Cygnea +10 Campaign Gear? I find it hard to get Apollon gear cause they're expensive at the broker and groups for COE don't invite me cause i'm only lvl 70.

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21 minutes ago, BlackRaven-SL said:

you can get the materials easily in the kromede event, also super cheap on broker, if you need kinah sell the supp from aoe, with that you can buy pretty much the materials for the apollon gear. AC gear is quite meh rn, if you cant get apollon get labyrint, the one from aoe, its better than AC.


Okay, roger that. Well I guess I'd farm for more Kinah and Level up fast, still have 1 week of 300% xp buff. Thanks a lot BlackRaven, appreciate the answers.

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