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Any active RP guilds?


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  • 4 weeks later...
On 10/5/2017 at 6:48 AM, Lumin-DN said:

Crimson Fury on Israphel/Soon To Be Danaria is an active RP legion.  I believe you've applied to us already though but for anyone else wondering I'll post here.

Do you guys have a website or something? I haven't played in a while due to life, and am trying to get back into it. Interested in joining your legion though

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16 hours ago, Rayvn-DN said:

Do you guys have a website or something? I haven't played in a while due to life, and am trying to get back into it. Interested in joining your legion though


If you're Rayvn Sturm you actually already apped to our site and legion, but you sort of disappeared before we could find you.  Hit me up here or ingame!  

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