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Vandal KT - E


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Hello everyone,

I'm selling a geared vandal account in kt - elyos .. 

gear DT pvp : ultimate weap +15  / wings +12 / jacket + 12 / Neck +10, Gloves and Pauldrons +7  .. rest legendary but +10 ~ + 12

PVE gear full ultimate ( +10 ~ +15 ) (except accessories they are not all ultimate) Ultimate demaha world boss +15 weap.. 

4 rank A minions,  Maxed sheba 

legendary transformation, 

650 Bobonerks gem + 100mil ap + 3000 legendary etium + 1500 Ultimate etium + 1600 fighting spirit fragment

stigmas + 6 ~ +7 

Abyssal fragment 1400(event)


6 other alts all lvl 80 some of them are semi geared, sin with ultimate katalam armor 

Discord : Garou#3246




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