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[EN] QQ - Siel - Elyos

Guest Stormwing

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Guest Stormwing

Hi there,

this legion targets european players like me, which are just going to hang around on na until the european server launches. QQ was around on european retail up to 4.0 on Spatalos and later on Perento mainly focused on end game PvE and small scale PvP (group of six and dredgion over TS), dueling, sieges and world bosses.

I used to main sorceress (Angel, Holy, Veille, Aura) on various servers (Gorgos, Perento, Spatalos) yet I am giving a go to spiritmaster this week. No attendance and/or class rules. Just casually having fun until aion classic eu appears. Targeted playing times would be evenings and weekends european time.

Regards, Stormwing.

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