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My opinion


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I would like to give my opinion on how classic servers are being handled.

I'm ok with it being based on subscription, but was it really necessary to put "daeva pass"? I agree that the money has to come from somewhere but don't treat us as stupid people, $ 15 + $ 30 + candies ?seriously ?

I think the "daeva pass"  should be included in the subscription ($15)as a bonus , this game really not worth $45(+plus candies) dollars a month .  What were you thinking when decide this ? . There are many other games that worth more than this for much much less.

I can hardly pay for my city-to-city teleports, flights,skills books, and class supplies with kinah provided by just playing the game. We should all be in the same condition, those who buy candy are far far above .It feels like I'm forced to buy candies and I think you knew it and you did it on purpose , don't tell us lies , you deliberately ruined the classic experience . 

NCsoft or whoever is responsible for making marketing decisions for Aion Classic is really greedy and disrespectful to your "devoted daevas" , you deserve to fail sir .

Thanks for ruined our game .

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Guest cheshirefox

hello fellow fox 😅

honestly, i was stoked to retry aion, but i'm completely reluctant now.. not knowing which server to try, hearing that the economy is broken..

just wanted a casual, progressive experience on a classic game zz

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The should rename it to what it really is: P2W Pass and P2W candy.

People that keep defending it after declaring several times they will "quit classic if any p2w" are in complete denial. Also we have random brand new accounts showing up attacking anyone who calls it p2w, which is extremely suspect.

Are there a lot of people playing right now? yes there are. Is the majority of the player base 50 yet? no not even close. So what does this mean? This means once most people hit 50, especially the ones mass buying candies and daeva pass, it will be a whole new ball game. You will see players with the ability to buy anything they want with kinah from this p2w cash grab ncsoft has created. You will see a minority of players control the entire economy. It is going to be insane because normal players who don't buy the daeva pass or candy boxes with Quna, will have a very very hard time farming billions of kinah to try to get all the things they need off the broker to progress. The ONLY positive is that if this causes enough players to leave the game, then there maybe mobs to be farmed the long and hard way.


If you are one of the players defending the p2w pass and p2w shop: have fun with the spiral down. Many of us have seen this once before, and it is the exact same path. Good job believing in NCsoft's lies. Remember when they promised Classic wouldn't revolve around p2w concept but then failed to mention any pricing and mechanics of Daeva pass until launch day surprise? I do. Ncsoft is notorious for this. They know who their loyal puppets are. 

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13 minutes ago, Guest Junior said:

Hello, the Daeva pass and candies are optional. Just play the game and enjoy!

Yes and it was optional(as in non essential) for NCSoft to put them in their 15$/month subscription game and yet they still opted to do it.  This is a multiplayer game, so everything "optional"  that affects gameplay and progression affects everybody in the game. It just shows you where their priorities lie.  How are you going to enjoy the game when an alliance of wallet warriors aka whales keep holding the forts for months, keeping everyone else from getting contribution and hoarding the ap and medals, you can have 10 times the numbers you will still be mowed down like flies. How are you going to catch up when they will have the buying power to buy all enchantment stones, manatstones and medals at any price?

Also also apparently a season in Atreia lasts 28 days and costs more than what buys you actual playable content with other games for just recycled and more egregiously expiring trinkets like 30 day pets and mounts, weird climate they have there.

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31 minutes ago, Guest Junior said:

Hello, the Daeva pass and candies are optional. Just play the game and enjoy!


Sure its just candies now. Have you actually played the game and see whats coming up in the daeva pass? Crowns, manastones, enchantment stones and coins.

I was actually gonna subscribefor siels aura but this is making me change my mind

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Guest WhaleHeroes
10 hours ago, Guest Pleb said:

Yes and it was optional(as in non essential) for NCSoft to put them in their 15$/month subscription game and yet they still opted to do it.  This is a multiplayer game, so everything "optional"  that affects gameplay and progression affects everybody in the game. It just shows you where their priorities lie.  How are you going to enjoy the game when an alliance of wallet warriors aka whales keep holding the forts for months, keeping everyone else from getting contribution and hoarding the ap and medals, you can have 10 times the numbers you will still be mowed down like flies. How are you going to catch up when they will have the buying power to buy all enchantment stones, manatstones and medals at any price?

Also also apparently a season in Atreia lasts 28 days and costs more than what buys you actual playable content with other games for just recycled and more egregiously expiring trinkets like 30 day pets and mounts, weird climate they have there.

that settles it then.

Its a Whale vs Whale game.. All pay-to-play subscribers step aside. The wallet Heroes are here 🤡.

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Guest Junior

I think we are being overdramatic  and sensationalist! You are talking about scenarios that have not even occurred with no basis. So like I said just enjoy the game and don’t worry about things that may or may not happen Months or years from now. Remember you can’t control the future or the powers that be. 

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16 minutes ago, Guest Junior said:

I think we are being overdramatic  and sensationalist! You are talking about scenarios that have not even occurred with no basis. So like I said just enjoy the game and don’t worry about things that may or may not happen Months or years from now. Remember you can’t control the future or the powers that be. 

The problem with people like you is that no matter how much historical and/or statistical and/or factual evidence they are presented with they will always close their eyes and ignore it saying "You don't see the future, you don't know what will happen". And then when it happens will just go "Well theres nothing that could have been done".  People such as yourself are the cause of so much problems in current society, ignorant of everything just taking the wait and see approach. Ok if i am wrong nothing will happen, but if you are wrong the game is dead, those are the ramifications.

How much more BASIS do you want, heres some more BASIS, Aion Live had 4 servers back in 4.X, then they decided to add a 5th, named Beritra and was marketed as fresh start and equal opportunity, so a lot of people took it and went there, not long after they realized that the fresh start and equal opportunity was dependent on how thick is your wallet, because those that spend a lot of real money, made a lot of kinah, they bought up all the temperings an omegas and got their enchanted gear fast, got on top of the AP rankings fast and could never be reached and it became same as all the other servers that people left for a fresh start. So it wasnt equal opportunity after all. That server population dwindled in under a year, and it was even worse because it pulled people from the other servers that just left Aion altogether and never came back, causing the merge from 5 to 2 servers shortly after. You see the similarities or is there still no BASIS and we have to wait and see?

You cant control the future? Yes you can to an extent if you take actions in time.

You cant control the powers that be? What do you think voting is for, including the voting with your wallets.

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Guest Lawlawl

Its so easy to make kinah because of candies without buying them. just gathering mostly and i've made 7m off white manastones and gatherables.. have more kinah than ppl selling 10 candies a day. the candies arent p2w they're pay to be retarded

nothing in the daeva pass will give you a real adv in pvp, makes lvling easy sure, buts its not worth the 10$ a month or w/e it costs unless you play 10hrs a day, then sure its worth it... but not needed to enjoy the game at all. 

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2 hours ago, Guest Junior said:

I think we are being overdramatic  and sensationalist! You are talking about scenarios that have not even occurred with no basis. So like I said just enjoy the game and don’t worry about things that may or may not happen Months or years from now. Remember you can’t control the future or the powers that be. 

Except we know the future, at least in this case or NcSoft games. How do we know ? As the above said, history is there for a reason.

Also, any MMO player  with a bit of knowledge, knows what "free* gold ( kinah in this case )", added out of nowhere, can do to the entire server economy. Any player that's not into P2W of course.

Free = Swiping Your Credit Card = Paying with Real $.


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Guest Narmina
37 minutes ago, IceAge said:

Also, any MMO player  with a bit of knowledge, knows what "free* gold ( kinah in this case )", added out of nowhere, can do to the entire server economy. Any player that's not into P2W of course.


Old is the time where goldbuyers were blamed as much as goldsellers.

Also, people seems to understand nothing about basic economy when they say that this money creation is not a matter... thoses millions and millions that are totally created are a big matter. Far worse than bots we can already see... Because it creates money far more faster than what bots do...


For now, i play the game, i hope to manage being able to do again DP in two month, but don't think i will stay a lot more. it is quite clear tat all this money will become matter when the real farm will begin... And when having a +10 or +12 weapon full manastone and godstone will change a lot from a simple +7 without godstone... this is the time will really see how much the candies are impacting the game

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Guest Myname
19 hours ago, Guest Junior said:

Hello, the Daeva pass and candies are optional. Just play the game and enjoy!

enjoy play on empty servers ? I will close my eyes on candy , broken economy , imbalanced Daeva pass and more . But where is online dude ? People dont like that , people /unistall Aion , leave game , make mass negative on forums , twitch , youtube . All world say " Aion Classic NA its ballshit , we dont gona play that even in our region " Hello bro, wake up ! Israphel 2k online prime time and its free2play now , after 30 june what online will be ? 

I am not gona read that forum any more , wasting of time . There is one fact 

1) NCsfot didnt change nothing , they will decide better online 1k (  p2w ) then 5k without p2w . Maybe they are right , and they have more money from 1k then from 5k . Well there is no place  anymore for players like me . BG GL .


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