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Guild emblem not found


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My problem. The emblem.tga or emblem.bnp cant be found in the AionClassic folder.
they are the old guild emblems I made 12 years ago. So format and size are correct.

Has anyone else the same problem?

(my guess is that the game wants the emblem in the Aion folder, but the folder ist AionClassic)

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I found the solution

You Have to rename the AionClassic folder to Aion
BUT then you cant open the game because it cant find it.

In the launcher you can manually choose the new aion folder and you can start the game again
I used the emblem.tga


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Guest Emblem

Can anyone in the guild upload it or is it only the BG? I am also having problems getting my emblem. I have a guild member that made it and was wondering if they can upload it. 

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It needs to be the brigade general iirc. We just did ours last night and had no issues. We didn't have to rename the folder either.

1. Make sure it's either emblem.bmp or emblem.tga

2. Make sure it's the right size (255x255, I think)

3. Make sure it's either 24-bit (bmp) or 32-bit (tga)

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