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Sorc Macro Help


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To all those skilled sorcs out there that can help, I'm looking for some good macro templates if anyone would be kind enough to share what they like to use! They can be for either PvP or PvE.  Much appreciated! :)


Btw, I'm currently lvl 28 but can modify them if I don't have the skills myself. Just looking to see what everyone else uses!

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You want to use a macro for skills for pvp? Pvp doesn't work like that, you cannot automate it because it requires a lot of thinking based on every situation.

I doubt people also use any macro for pve, as you have to put a delay between skills there and that will make it less effective based on the current buffs you might have.

Macros in Aion are good for putting something like a /select Name in order to keep trying to find a specific target, or to make them get food+drink in order to fill your daily quest or something.

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  • 4 weeks later...

i have a pve macro that really helps me to not get tired fast of the farming.

The skills are:

Lumiels - Delayed blast - ice chain - frozen shock - flame fusion - flame cage - flame bolt - blaze - ...

You can kite when casting instantaneous skills. And you need a /Delay with 1s more than the casting time. Just test it in a dummy.




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I have been playing with macros today and I have made some really good ones but they are only for PvE on easy situations. If you are on a hard fight or PvP you really want the best control on what skill you use at the right moment.
I have no sorc so I don't know the skills but I can share one I made for a my low Templar.
Now I use variables to control the delay cause it will be different on each weapon set (1handed vs 2handed) and situations (like having buffs, or weapons with % attack speed etc. So there is no perfect time for this, you need to spent some time with the dummies trying out cause you want to maximize your damage (as templar I want auto attack in between each skill like shown in the video below, I only clicked once on the macro... but i didnt move the mouse XD)



If you want I can show you how I archive this really easily but I will need to make a video or something like that explaining the reasoning behind cause my english is not very good.

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