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Pupil's Diary


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I have just spend most of the last couple of days looking for Vindachinerk to try and complete the cube expansion quest "Pupil's Diary"

Working from spawn location maps from 10 years ago hasn't helped.  The lack screen shots of the actual spawn location just an X on the map.

Can anyone help me solve  this?

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Yeah I have been working off the first map, never found him. I know where he spawns on the bridge at Roah, but can't catch him there. The other two dots are some floating rocks but I don't know which ones.



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The thing is, when he's up there's a blue dot on your radar, so catching him isn't that hard if you just fly around. The schedules you can find on google are wrong because it also depends on the ingame day, but with so many ressources gone from the 2010 web, it's hard to find it now. Though I have to say everytime I needed it, I flew around Roah and always found him.

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