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Everything posted by Forthyn

  1. Sorry folks, I fell asleep on you. ;; Siel Elyos got a fort! \o/ Congratulations team
  2. Asmo's had no intention of stopping Elyos from taking the fort, the Asmo's who did engage with you did of their own free Will, and they were white names or people in groups. No alliances were formed. What I'm saying is the fact it took so long into siege and the fort still didn't flip resulted in many Asmo's going over to investigate. To take quotes directly from players: What happened? How'd y'all not get that? 1. E: coordination, motivation, communication 2. E: Because our faction has no coordination and suck at PvPing. 3. A: tbh if u hadnt gone hellfire, most asmos wouldnt even have followed u to krotan lol. 4. A: 1. Fight asmos at hellfire for 25 minutes with 70% of ur players. 2. No time to kill deity. 3. That's it 5. E: hahahah I was there at the start, and I would estimate until maybe 15 mins in, we had 30-40 people there 6. A: we had no alliances on asmo side, just random groups looking for some AP. we f--ked around a bit at miren and then at hellfire. Then we were like, k lets check krotan, its been 30 minutes. Elyos almost got it apparantly? and then elyos got wiped lulz 7. A: why were elys fighting us at hellfire, was the plan to take miren first? 8. A: if those two alliances of elyos that came at miren focused on krotan you guys woulda had it. 9. E: 40% of elyos were at krotan, meanwihle s--t force and clarity were "fighting off asmos" at miren XD 10. A: asmos who went from miren to krotan was due to elyos defending at hellfire. they just went random lol 11. E: where the f--k is everyone dood #11 screenshot:
  3. I have Siel Elyos listed as "Preform - no", this is inaccurate as they did form for siege. I'll be more diligent in the future.
  4. As Arhangelos said, it is a participation issue. The reason I'm showing numbers is to provide evidence against those who say "we're outnumbered 2:1, lock Asmo creation etc" because these individuals fail to see the bigger picture, they only see red names. Elyos siege leaders can't force players into the Abyss to siege if those players would rather be leveling, crafting, or doing whatever they want to do with their subscription time. Secondly, many Elyos have the mindset of not wanting forts nor defending them so they have farm spots. I fully expect these numbers to change when Fort Instances are introduced. Many people have a strange mindset towards this early content.... there is always an incentive to compete for resources, what do they think sieges were like back in 2009? I guarantee the OG players back then didn't sit back and "focus on leveling." Siel numbers are now being counted, there happened to be an exact 110 lv50's in the Abyss for Asmos.
  5. Certain IS-Asmo have expressed that the faction is not dead, they are focusing on leveling and wish people would stop badmouthing the situation, which is driving away players.
  6. Starting tomorrow, I will begin bracketing World count for Siel server.
  7. If anyone is in a timezone that would like to have converted times — or knows of friends in zones that I don't have listed — let me know: I'll edit this one for the existing sieges and be sure to include those zones in the event sieges get updated.
  8. I am a little annoyed this happened the day after I've chosen to dedicate my time into doing this, but it's ultimately their decision on how they will handle their own faction. I will still take numbers regardless. SL-Asmo went to Krotan to have fun with PVP and mess with the Elyos... SL-Elyos did not take the fort. Seems their players were tired from excessive pre-sieging. SL-Asmo formed up 10min before siege.
  9. IS-Asmo leads have expressed they will be boycotting sieges until NCSoft addresses the server imbalance. Meanwhile, SL-Elyos did not show — aside from some AP trading.
  10. The events of that night is what finally prompted me to take this up again. While I do not have any record of those numbers, I will be documenting numbers from now on, until I find it no longer necessary or I lose interest. My first Log lasted 2years. I’m looking forward to what happens tonight
  11. Once upon a time, in 3.x era, I began cataloging siege numbers on retail Siel when constant arguments arose about siege results and attendance, so I took it upon myself to tally siege numbers and publicly post them within the Siel server forums to promote productive discussion and community involvement over the situation. Back then, the result was beneficial to the server as a whole, for both Elyos and Asmodians. I was... very thorough in my approach by documenting play-by-play scenerios and screenshots. Since I will be following two servers this time, I will only be posting rough siege attendance via realm count versus whole world with players who are able to attend, and a MyAion population pull check. I am leaving it entirely to the respective players of their server and factions to take the information for what they will and I rely on them to volunteer more detailed information to promote a healthy server for themselves. Discussion is encouraged, but do not fall into arguments or insult one another. The goal of this thread is to lay bare problems and situations and address them as a community. Siege Schedule: 1.x [Launch] That said, let's begin. All counts are players lv25 and higher (lv25 is when players can enter the Abyss). ** Presently, both servers are undergoing a bot problem. Take the world count and population pull with several grains of salt until NCSoft addresses the issue. ** Edits: 1. Fixed entry error
  12. Hello, I know this is over 2weeks late, but in the event we have new players join us and would like to know when sieges are, here is a siege table I made in the respective time formats. If I did my math wrong, please let me know! (yes, I know it is not all timezones, but hopefully I hit the hot ones and players can base accordingly) Best regards,
  13. Hello, I stumbled on this by sheer chance, and — while I'm essentially posting in an old thread — it makes little sense for me to start a new one simply to clarify something. When Satyx and I composed the Community Letter back in 2016, it was a survey across all five Facebook groups of the individual servers at the time, and the question was open to everyone for several weeks while I compiled all the feedback into a Google Document. Of course, not everyone used Facebook, and some messaged either Satyx or myself in-game with their opinions. No one was deliberately cherry picked based on who they were as a person or player. In wanting NCSoft/West to take the community seriously, we omitted the unfeasible or troll responses. While I was gathering player feedback an individual wanted to see progress, and I agreed to share my raw data with them. A little while later, this person then shared this data — in raw form — to the Siel group. Your description of events is basically what happened: people wondered what the heck was this rubbish? It gathered none-too-kind comments, and Satyx and I had to play damage control. That same day, the post was deleted by the individual, but the damage was done. I believe your recounting of backlash events was this incident (more on this later). About a week later, I finished gathering and composing; Satyx published the finished letter to the community via the official forums (the old ones, now gone), and then shared that link to each server's Facebook group. The overall reactions to the finished letter in the comments were positive, and even included more suggestions (which a few logged into the forums to share). There were no backlash or negative comments made on the Facebook posts. However — despite how I recall events — seeing your comment here had me go back and investigate against my own memories. It took me a while, but I was able to find old records of the endeavor. Yes, there were suggestions made which were not included in the letter. Sitting here talking to you right now, I do not know why I did not include them. Reading over them as the person I am today, I see no reason why they should not have been, but I cannot explain to you the reasoning of an individual who no longer exists. Even if "less than 10% of the games population at that time were involved in the letter" they were more than welcome to comment on the forum post when it was posted. Satyx and I tried to get community involvement; again, we did not have "beef" with anyone. If this is your personal opinion regarding the event, then that's simply how it is. We took weeks of our time to try and get everyone together to address NCSoft because we cared about the game and loved the community, despite some of its glaring flaws. So I'm sure you understand when I say that your comments over the matter hit me personally. It was a passionate feeling that I do not need to investigate myself to know that it was there. It’s true that the letter was not perfect (and I’m glad I had the discipline to go back and look), but it was never considered the be-all and end-all of community involvement and it never should be. Here is a link to the original letter to anyone who would like to read it. Bear in mind it was 2016, some points are no longer relevant; yet some are still being repeated to this day. Thank you, https://docs.google.com/document/d/1zSQmH-jSwj0DI_crrvsj6czePfQeivYqyjNh6xU2ekw
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