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Everything posted by Forthyn

  1. Hey Rin, apparently Lower forts have been flipping to Balaur per the old siege schedule as well, can you confirm if this is intentional or if these will also be included in the siege correction?
  2. Thank you for such a fast response and the hard work you've been putting in; I'll keep an eye out for your posts
  3. Huge thanks to Balakai for helping me again with Elyos numbers, as I'm quite inept at leveling :c (I'm trying) The two different counts are for the two different regional sieges— Asmo's from Gelk into Igg > Elyos from Igg into Gelk, and likely a better indicator of actual siege attendance (versus white names who hang out in the hubs or questing)
  4. @Rin It would appear there needs to be a correction in the patch notes regarding the siege schedule: Presently, it states that Thursday's Igg siege Altar of Avarice goes vulnerable, but instead it was Temple of Scales. I am going to make an early correction and change my own schedule to have Altar of Avarice on Tuesday, and Temple of Scales on Thursday. If you would not mind verifying this, I would greatly appreciate it. If true, please delete my older post
  5. Asmo's were not organized, effectively became a PVP/prevent Elyos from capping brawl
  6. Special thanks to Balakai for grabbing the Elyos in Igg while I work on my own~ Take Xform numbers with a grain of salt, as I logged in right as the fortresses went vulnerable and players were already popping (never trust a nap)
  7. Numbers taken just before Deity died. Double Xform's are players who transformed before siege to log in at the start. Most were not fully utilized, so assume that the total Xform participation was 44 (or less) for Asmo and 39 (or less) for Elyos. I was active at siege and did not have a proper resource prepared to cross-reference names. The whole number are players who Transformed at the start of siege (22-25) Balaur are too OP @Rin, Deity died in seconds. Deity HP values are being scaled but dredge commander attacks are not
  8. To be fair, that AP is supposed to be dispersed across 24 players. The player who got the first hit on the Deity dropped alliance before it died—they probably did not know they got the first hit, but it is a long-standing practice for players to drop group before Deity death for maximum AP gain
  9. Oops, you're absolutely right — that's what I get for trying to multitask. Thank you, Meliran I agree that I would prefer Sulfur to at least be twice a week, as it is a necessary fortress to complete a Campaign quest
  10. To keep discussion all in the same thread, here is how the sieges will look if NC keeps the times posted in the producer letter These times are not set in stone and they want your feedback as players, so let them be heard
  11. Honestly, I agree with the above in the sense there really does need to be a cheaper subscription option. This game isn't worth $15/mo in its present state. Even Final Fantasy XIV has a cheaper subscription option for those who don't want full character slot access — the only difference between their $12 and $15 sub is having additional characters on the same server. Their Legacy subscription is $7 a month Free Trial users should be able to collect quest items. Period. Or allow Free Trial to be in place until a character reaches lv40 Some may say, "But... the bots!" What about them? All limiting drops for Free Trial has done is decimate actual players wanting to enjoy the game and, by extension, choke supply on the broker. Level 30 balaur drops are over 200k on the market board. It's obscene
  12. A couple things: - I did not have a character parked to take an Xform count; - Please take World count with a big grain of salt, as I forgot to get it during Divine. The numbers you see reflected are 50min later
  13. I have but one need, and it is mighty. I don't know who is in charge of putting skins up on the BCM/Quna shop, but they need to open the floodgates
  14. Korean text; affects several of the dailies
  15. For anyone curious. Numbers were taken 15min after siege (hopefully everyone was out of Tiak), but it would appear that only gates were broken, aside from regular PvP AP gains. Does not include double-Xforms (there were only a handful)
  16. When an item gets skinned by a reusable skin, it gains the tag "Cannot Remodel." This is incorrect: the tag should say, "Appearance modifying item". Only items skinned by "One-time appearance" should have the tag "cannot remodel".
  17. I didn't see a localization thread for Classic, so here we are Templar Bodyguard I — stigma skill
  18. Been chasing after a best friend! (playing FF)
  19. Hello folks, I continued my personal trend and made an at-a-glance schedule If you would like a Live-countdown which also feature's arenas and other useful info, visit Calm's hosted schedule: https://pvpallday.com/aion/utilities/schedule Alternatively, take your timezone and trim down the excess so you only see what you need Best Regards,
  20. @Lenoir-KT As Yoyo said, you are in fact free to keep all your Asmo and Elyos characters. Each time you go into the character screen, you will be met with an offending message which you must confirm to about having two races on the same account, but then you can log in without any other issues. The message is an annoyance at worst, nothing more. Anything else aside from the message would be a new implementation none of us have seen before
  21. We're both right, actually! Dredge has a two hour window, which begins respectively where I had it and the second hour how you listed. I didn't include the second hour for whatever reason (largely in part uncertain), but I've revised and adjusted below. Thank you, Zarbi. BRT has been adjusted to reflect the commonly used timezone there.
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