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Everything posted by Aijumi

  1. The pets i saw on classic server, are seperated. One pet is able to loot, the other can buff you or save your items. When a autoloot pet collect your items theyre in your cube. On retail, they where pets who was able to do many things (collect, warn, buff, save)
  2. Permanent pets? Thats a dream, but there any permenet special pets (loot, buff, alarm) in game. You can buy package pets (5 places), they are permanent, but the others? You can only buy 30 - 90 days pets for one character... (up to 90 days are in, when you buy siels aura for 90 days)
  3. After your post, i checked it with my fresh lvl 52 char. Youre right, he havnt the quest either... Maybe something changed or it is a bug...
  4. Hi everyone, have any a problem with these quest? I tried it twice, once i died, the other try i was alive the whole time. Did i get the quest? Nope...
  5. @Motgar-KT: Hey, let me give you an example: Aion is a supermarket The pple see, the things they have, are crap and too expensive. The higher ups wont listen, to make things cheaper and more selection. What will pple do, when nothing changes? They go to another supermarket, where more selection and cheaper is... Will you pple punish because they change the supermarket or here: change to a private server? I hope the higher ups read these: I know the us market is smal in the oposite of the asian market. But the american and the european pple who playing on these server are not grinder and they wont to give so much money, because they cant (poor, student or another reason). In these moment you doin all to driving the pple away instead of doing things better...
  6. Do you know why pple go to the P-Servers? Because NC dont listen to the gamers. They take only our money and do nothing. I was a retail many year, but was i see here... - Pets with timemarker (30 days) - Buy ap with money (Deava Pass) - Very low drop rates, so you cant do crafting in the right way or do miraju The would be much longer, but these are the most awfull points
  7. When NC Soft is doing there politics so far, than all players from Aion are on private servers... Im totally agree with you, thats not the Aion i played in 2009. There was only cosmetics and permanent!!! pets in store. I dont know why NC doesnt understand thats they only destroy these cool game with these actions... It seems they only want to earn the most money with aion classic and then close the server
  8. @Aureli: Like i wrote in an another thread, in three weeks will apear for Windows 11 a patch, than should the crashes be over.
  9. For all who have game issues (game freezes, crashes): https://www.pcgameshardware.de/Windows-11-Software-277633/News/Update-Ursache-Spiele-Crashes-1397902/ A patch for Win 11 will come in three weeks, maybe the crashes and freezes are be over.
  10. I have the same problem here... With Win 10, all was fine, no gamecrash. But with Win 11, several freezings all the time. I tried the compability modus, but nothing change. Game crashed like before...
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