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GameGuard is a joke


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Come on NCsoft! GameGuard closed some holes but not all of them. It breaks legit players clients and support "cant do anything about GameGuard". You bought it, you ask for the erl files to troubleshoot it, but won't do anything to get players back in game? Are you trying to force all your players out? Open a support ticket with GameGuard and get this resolved? There are still versions of ShugoConsole that work. lol. Please help me get GameGuard to stop detecting my legit software as cheating tools.

What is even better is that your mods removed all the posts about this update breaking GameGuard on legit clients.

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Anything that alters the client is regarded a 3rd party and even though it is not bannable it still isn't supported so they won't botehr "fixing" GameGuard for doing its job.

They should give an extra option in the graphics menu to change the FOV legally and avoid having to run a 3rd party, because in the end of the day having a different aspect ratio monitor can give you that extra room around you without the need of a FOV changing.

P.S. I never understood how people can play with that distorted field of view, I get nausea looking at videos on youtube that use that.

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