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News Post & Event Timezones


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What even is the timezone for posts on the news section? & same goes with times that are communicated in-game/emails/forums. It's so confusing for so many people not knowing when you actually mean when you post things.
I do appreciate that forum maintenance posts do now include PT/ET/UTC times too, credit where credit's due so good work on that Kibbelz, but it needs to be upheld elsewhere too.

i.e. the latest Shugo Game event news post has a time of 11-Dec 12:00-14:00... but what timezone is that?
Since we're now apparently hosted on an AWS us-east-1 instance (which is in Virginia) the server time would be UTC-5 and everyone always "it's server time".  However, I also end up seeing posts that show UTC-6 as a default, like yesterday's maintenance post.

So is it UTC-5? Is it UTC-6? Better yet, there's no need to even answer that when you can just actually put the offset value next to the time itself...

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10 hours ago, Jafoolycake said:

What even is the timezone for posts on the news section? & same goes with times that are communicated in-game/emails/forums. It's so confusing for so many people not knowing when you actually mean when you post things.
I do appreciate that forum maintenance posts do now include PT/ET/UTC times too, credit where credit's due so good work on that Kibbelz, but it needs to be upheld elsewhere too.

i.e. the latest Shugo Game event news post has a time of 11-Dec 12:00-14:00... but what timezone is that?
Since we're now apparently hosted on an AWS us-east-1 instance (which is in Virginia) the server time would be UTC-5 and everyone always "it's server time".  However, I also end up seeing posts that show UTC-6 as a default, like yesterday's maintenance post.

So is it UTC-5? Is it UTC-6? Better yet, there's no need to even answer that when you can just actually put the offset value next to the time itself...

I Agree and said this yesterday... 

Sadly it won't matter... Korean legions  know... and will end it way before any gets there


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