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Legit AP gain question


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I have a question for pvpers and anyone who gains a lot of AP.Is it possible for a legitimate player not using crown handin's or  doing AP trading to go from a 1 star too a 5star rank in less than a week?

I obviously cant name the player in question due to getting a forum warning,but is this sort of gain possible if they arent geared?

I have reported the player because i do not think these gains are legitimate when i see how much they move up in the ranks each day,if i'm wrong nothing will happen too them but it seems very suss.

Thanks for feedback if it is possible.

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Well, they could have been sitting on a lot of crowns or something from other means.  I know I opened 6 crusade token crown bags (24 total tokens) and got like 75k in crowns.  Perhaps they opened like 20 of them or something.   Easier to hold onto the bags for a long time than having a major crown take up an inventory slot.  You can get 14-21 of those crusade tokens in one week, not to mention you can get more if you trade in the daemon tokens. 

Edited by Surfin
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I personally have done this.

A thing to remember is how forts work, as well as dredge/tiaks. If you can hit and reliably win in those, as well as attend fort sieges and perform, you can make a good bit of AP/day. 2 Dredges/Tiak/Arenas/forts/1-2 hours of pvp and I would be netting 50k-80k/day average. 

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Yes, very possible. With the PvP instances and sieges you can make up to 90k on those. That is without first hits on deities or having a good Divine siege. If you can first hit a deity or do big damage to the Divine deity you can make 2-300,000 ap from a single siege (in the past this could also be a million+ ap but I think that isn’t possible anymore.) There are also bots you can farm in the middle zones of Ingisson and Gelkmaros, easily can make 50k+ a day going and wiping them out. 
so it is quite possible to go from 1 star to 5 star in a day pretty much. 

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