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Weekly Server Maintenance - August 15, 2023 [Aion]


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  • Aion Team

Tomorrow we will be holding our regularly scheduled maintenance for Aion. Downtime will begin at 3:00 pm PDT / 10:00 pm UTC / 5:00 pm CDT and will conclude after approximately 2 hours and 15 minutes.

Aion Maintenance Notes
The following changes will be coming to the game during this maintenance:

  • Summer Festival Events Ends
  • Spring Transformation Promo Bundle Ends
  • Ice Orb Promotion Item/NPC Removal
    • NPC Removal
      • Abominabelle
    • Item Removal
      • +1 – +10 Ice Orbs, including those purchased from the Black Cloud Marketplace (and subsequently enchanted).
      • Melted Ice Orb
      • Frozen Cube
      • [Event] Broken Bundle
      • [Event] Crushed Bundle
      • [Event] Noble Bundle
      • [Event] Brilliant Prism
  • 8.4 Part 3 Update on August 22: Ranking Season Change Notice
    • Empyrean Lord’s (Vaizel/Triniel) Sacred Relic Season End Date: August 22 
    • (The displayed end date on the client differs from the actual relic season)
    • IMPORTANT: All Existing Empyrean Lord's Holy Water will be Deleted when the 8.4 Part 3 Update Arrives on August 22.
    • Please consume all the Empyrean Lord’s Holy Water before the season ends.
    • PvP (Arena of Discipline): July 26 - August 22
    • Crucible Spire: August 17 - August 22
    • Glory Point: July 26 - August 22

UPDATE:  We apologize for the confusion regarding 'Honorable Daeva's Mark' in the 8.4 Part3 Patch Notes.
Our previous information was incorrect, stating that the Honorable Daeva's Mark season would conclude with the 8.4 Part 3 update and the current marks would be deleted.

Please be aware that the Honorable Daeva's Mark season will actually end in October. As part of this season update, we will revise the merchant listing and delete the 'Honorable Daeva's Mark.' We apologize for any inconvenience this may have caused and kindly request that you submit a ticket to customer service for assistance with any issues stemming from this matter.

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We need luna!

Right now there is no luna at all and no kinah box (because we have no luna to craft it lol). Just bring back the luna pouch to the game and remove the kinah box until you figure out a way to make it hard for bots and bring that back too.

You have mutilated the game beyond playability with all the limitations. our version is the most limited in the whole world. No easy way to get all transformations that are needed for collections, no luna, awful GST skin shop etc.

Edited by Arhangelos
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2 hours ago, Arhangelos said:

We need luna!

Right now there is no luna at all and no kinah box (because we have no luna to craft it lol). Just bring back the luna pouch to the game and remove the kinah box until you figure out a way to make it hard for bots and bring that back too.

You have mutilated the game beyond playability with all the limitations. our version is the most limited in the whole world. No easy way to get all transformations that are needed for collections, no luna, awful GST skin shop etc.

Bots do not need luna to get infinite kinah. Just botting solo PF gets you kinah capped just botting solo IDD gets you kinah capped(learnt this from the ice event). No matter what they do they can not stop bots for making kinah. All it means is they are spending more time doing the content for kinah but when you have upwards of 6 accounts running what does it matter.

It does not matter because no matter what we say they will not fix the problem because in their eyes their customers that they care about will buy luna even if they made it 10x its current price.

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@Wissp Could you explain more about Removing/deleting existing honorable daevanion marks?

This is on the patch note.


Honorable Daeva Contribution Officer has added/changed some items for sale.

We've added a 'Seasonal' sales tab.

The existing Honorable Daeva’s Mark will be deleted.

We've changed the items that can be obtained from the [BCM] Honorable Daeva Box and the probability of obtaining them.

Honorable Daeva Rewards have changed the icon and name of some items.



Are you guys really deleting the Honorable Daeva's mark on such short notice?  A week? The Npc has weekly limit, some of us have thousands if not tens of thousands of Honorable Daeva's mark, we won't be able to spend it all, These can't be brought forward to the next season? We really do need a reply on this

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14 hours ago, Squid said:

Bots do not need luna to get infinite kinah. Just botting solo PF gets you kinah capped just botting solo IDD gets you kinah capped(learnt this from the ice event). No matter what they do they can not stop bots for making kinah. All it means is they are spending more time doing the content for kinah but when you have upwards of 6 accounts running what does it matter.

It does not matter because no matter what we say they will not fix the problem because in their eyes their customers that they care about will buy luna even if they made it 10x its current price.

I know bots do not care, but their issue with the pouch is that bots outdid the luna instance and caused server instability and all that because of the kinah box.

They need to remove the kinah box from the luna instance to fix the bot issue, not remove luna in total!

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Fix Luna or sell the company to someone who actually gives a crap. Until then, I won't spend a single minute logged into this game. I have played since 2013, and up until a few months ago it was just too painful to think about leaving. But now that I have walked away and some time has passed, I am so grateful I had the willpower to kick this bad habit. This company will never change. The rest of you have my sympathy.

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