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The critical chance of Luna daily/weekly skills can't be increased

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The set skills in Luna daily, Luna weekly, and various other events instance (e.g. Kromede, Shugo) are fixed damage skills.

They also have a fixed critical chance, which cannot be increased in any way. Crit spell does not increase critical chances for these skills. So don't waste money on making a crit spell set for these instances.

The damage from these skills are not affected by your stats (gear) at all, and cannot be reduced in any way.


IDEvent_Def_Base	Severe Blow	10% crit chance, +50% damage when critical
IDEvent_Def_Base_A	Severe Blow of Life	10% crit chance, +50% damage when critical
IDEvent_Def_Base_A_Up	Strengthened Severe Blow / Boosted Severe Blow	10% crit chance, +50% damage when critical
IDEvent_Def_Base_B	Severe Soul Blow / Soul Strike	10% crit chance, +50% damage when critical
IDEvent_Def_Base_B_Up	Strengthened Severe Blow / Boosted Severe Blow	10% crit chance, +50% damage when critical
IDEvent_Def_Hellexplode_B	Soul Fissure	10% crit chance, +50% damage when critical
IDEvent_Def_Laser_B	Flame of Life	10% crit chance, +50% damage when critical
IDEvent_Def_Laser_B_Up	Strengthened Flame of Life / Boosted Soul Flame	10% crit chance, +50% damage when critical
IDEvent_Def_Restrict_B	Soul Restraint / Restraint of the Soul	10% crit chance, +50% damage when critical
IDEvent_Def_Wave_A	Life Upheaval / Wave of Life	10% crit chance, +50% damage when critical
IDEvent_Def_Wave_A_Up	Strengthened Wave / Boosted Wave	10% crit chance, +50% damage when critical
IDLuna_Def_Aerial	Crushing Darkness / Destruction of Darkness	10% crit chance, +50% damage when critical
IDLuna_Def_Arrest	Hellish Strike / Hell Strike	10% crit chance, +50% damage when critical
IDLuna_Def_Base	Soul Skewer / Soul Strike	10% crit chance, +50% damage when critical
IDLuna_Def_Burst	Terrifying Rupture / Merciless Rupture	10% crit chance, +50% damage when critical
IDLuna_Def_Quake	Hellish Wave / Hell Wave	10% crit chance, +50% damage when critical
IDLuna_Siege_Base	Soul Scream / Darkness Cry	10% crit chance, +50% damage when critical
IDLuna_Siege_Hellexplode	Hellish Fissure / Infernal Rift	10% crit chance, +50% damage when critical
IDLuna_Siege_Restrict	Terror's Restraint / Horror Shackles	10% crit chance, +50% damage when critical
IDLuna_Siege_Wave	Wave of Darkness / Darkness Wave	10% crit chance, +50% damage when critical
IDLuna_Test_1	Instanced Dungeon Test Skill 1 / Instance Test Skill 1	10% crit chance, +50% damage when critical
IDLuna_Test_2	Instanced Dungeon Test Skill 2 / Instance Test Skill 2	10% crit chance, +50% damage when critical
IDLuna_Test_3	Instanced Dungeon Test Skill 3 / Instance Test Skill 3	10% crit chance, +50% damage when critical
IDLuna_Test_5	Instanced Dungeon Test Skill 5 / Instance Test Skill 5	10% crit chance, +50% damage when critical
IDLuna_Test_Five	Instanced Dungeon Test Skill 5 / Instance Test Skill 5	10% crit chance, +50% damage when critical
IDLuna_Test_Four	Instanced Dungeon Test Skill 4 / Instance Test Skill 4	10% crit chance, +50% damage when critical
IDLuna_Test_ONE	Instanced Dungeon Test Skill 1 / Instance Test Skill 1	10% crit chance, +50% damage when critical
IDLuna_Test_Three	Instanced Dungeon Test Skill 3 / Instance Test Skill 3	10% crit chance, +50% damage when critical
IDLuna_Test_Two	Instanced Dungeon Test Skill 2 / Instance Test Skill 2	10% crit chance, +50% damage when critical
IDRUN_Test_common_01	Terrifying Rupture / Merciless Rupture	10% crit chance, +50% damage when critical
IDSWEEP_02_FI1_Base	Steady Sweep / Slash	10% crit chance, +50% damage when critical
IDSWEEP_02_FI1_Base_mob	Shine’s Strike / GM Shines' Strike	10% crit chance, +50% damage when critical
IDSWEEP_02_FI2_DashATK_mob	Shine’s Power Attack / GM Shines' Strong Attack	10% crit chance, +50% damage when critical
IDSWEEP_02_FI3_Turn	Whirling Steel / Tornado	10% crit chance, +50% damage when critical
IDSWEEP_02_FI3_Turn_mob	Shine’s Cyclone / GM Shines' Cyclone	10% crit chance, +50% damage when critical
IDSWEEP_02_FI4_Aerial	Tethering Strike / Restraint	10% crit chance, +50% damage when critical
IDSWEEP_02_FI4_Aerial_mob	Shine’s Restraint / GM Shines' Restraint	10% crit chance, +50% damage when critical
IDSWEEP_02_FI5_Rage	Staggering Smash / Burst of Anger	10% crit chance, +50% damage when critical
IDSWEEP_02_FI5_Rage_mob	Shine’s Rage / GM Shines' Wrath	10% crit chance, +50% damage when critical
IDSWEEP_02_KN1_Base	Shredding Blow / Bone Breaker	10% crit chance, +50% damage when critical
IDSWEEP_02_KN1_Base_mob	Stomper’s Severe Blow / GM Stomper's Severe Blow	10% crit chance, +50% damage when critical
IDSWEEP_02_KN2_Hate	Audacious Taunt / Provocation	10% crit chance, +50% damage when critical
IDSWEEP_02_KN2_Hate_mob	Stomper’s Provoke / GM Stomper's Taunt	10% crit chance, +50% damage when critical
IDSWEEP_02_WI1_Base	Force Blast / Explosion	10% crit chance, +50% damage when critical
IDSWEEP_02_WI1_Base_mob	Iris’ Explosion / GM Iris' Explosion	10% crit chance, +50% damage when critical
IDSWEEP_02_WI2_Storm	Falling Thunderbolt / Lightning Strike	10% crit chance, +50% damage when critical
IDSWEEP_02_WI2_Storm_mob	Iris’ Falling Thunderbolt / GM Iris' Arcane Thunderbolt	100% crit chance, +50% damage when critical
IDSWEEP_02_WI3_Laser	Searing Blaze / Flame Spurt	10% crit chance, +50% damage when critical
IDSWEEP_02_WI3_Laser_mob	Iris’ Fire / GM Iris' Fire	10% crit chance, +50% damage when critical
IDSWEEP_02_WI4_Frost	Frostcage / Absolute Zero	10% crit chance, +50% damage when critical
IDSWEEP_02_WI4_Frost_mob	Iris’ Freezing / GM Iris' Frost	10% crit chance, +50% damage when critical
IDSWEEP_02_WI5_Fireshork	Roiling Pitchfire / Fire Storm	10% crit chance, +50% damage when critical
IDSWEEP_02_WI5_Fireshork_mob	Iris’ Flame / GM Iris' Flames	10% crit chance, +50% damage when critical
IDSweep_FI1_Base	Steady Sweep / Slash	10% crit chance, +50% damage when critical
IDSweep_FI2_PowerATK	Lethal Thrust / Thunderclap	10% crit chance, +50% damage when critical
IDSweep_FI3_Turn	Whirling Steel / Tornado	10% crit chance, +50% damage when critical
IDSweep_FI4_Aerial	Tethering Strike / Restraint	10% crit chance, +50% damage when critical
IDSweep_FI5_Rage	Staggering Smash / Burst of Anger	10% crit chance, +50% damage when critical
IDSweep_KN1_Base	Shredding Blow / Bone Breaker	10% crit chance, +50% damage when critical
IDSweep_KN2_Hate	Audacious Taunt / Provocation	10% crit chance, +50% damage when critical
IDSweep_KN5_Wave	Staggering Smash / Burst of Anger	10% crit chance, +50% damage when critical
IDSweep_WI1_Base	Force Blast / Explosion	10% crit chance, +50% damage when critical
IDSweep_WI2_Storm	Falling Thunderbolt / Lightning Strike	10% crit chance, +50% damage when critical
IDSweep_WI3_Laser	Searing Blaze / Flame Spurt	10% crit chance, +50% damage when critical
IDSweep_WI4_Frost	Frostcage / Absolute Zero	10% crit chance, +50% damage when critical
IDSweep_WI5_Fireshork	Roiling Pitchfire / Fire Storm	10% crit chance, +50% damage when critical
ID_Under_WI1_Base	Destroy Locked Box / Destroy Sealed Box	10% crit chance, +50% damage when critical


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The only thing you can do to benefit in there is to have an attack speed weapon to make weaving faster between the skills and of course in Luna Daily godstones proc, when in weekly godstones do nto proc on any mob except the door in the boss room.

And of course if you are a chanter you can use your speed mantra just so you can run faster.

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On 3/28/2018 at 2:44 PM, Arxaggelos-KT said:

The only thing you can do to benefit in there is to have an attack speed weapon to make weaving faster between the skills and of course in Luna Daily godstones proc, when in weekly godstones do nto proc on any mob except the door in the boss room.

And of course if you are a chanter you can use your speed mantra just so you can run faster.

You cannot perform normal attacks in these instances. Faster weapons can slightly speed up your skill animations though.

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