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Video cut scenes disappear when pressing F12

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I try to record all video cut scenes in the game with a clean screen, because otherwise they often make make disgusting stupid writings over the screen like "You summoned [pet name]" or "A rift has appeared" or "You have played over {n] hours".  From many experiences I understood that there is one way to avoid this crap if I quickly press F12 after pressing on the last phrase on the dialog with an npc where the cut scene starts. I've been successfully using it for some time, including the 2nd cut scene at Pontekane after we bring him the magic bomb from Peregrine to explode the seal on Eye of Reshanta. I recently recorded his both cut scenes normally, but today while coming with other characters, only the 1st cut scene got recorded. After returning from Bloodburn Reach and getting to Pontekane, as I pressed F12 on the last words in the dialogue, the screen just hanged up and there was nothing, all characters disappeared. After waiting for some time and pressing Esc, the characters appeared  again but that was only to report the campaign to Pontekane, the cut scene that I used to see on other toons, never showed up.   It happened on both of my computers, with different hardware, so it is an error in the game! Why did it happen? I also experienced such hang-ups sometimes on other campaigns, like in Levinshor, recently. Also, when I do Transcendence now, several months already, as soon as my character appears in Norsvold after the 1st cut scene from Pandemonium, the game hangs, characters disappear, and I found 1 way to cope with it - press on x to close the game - it doesn't close, but in 11 sec the next cut scene starts. Once it happened that I forgot to press F12 on the 1st cut scene, and some other unknown cut scene happened to my character after getting to Norsvold. But dirtyly recorded cut scenes don't have much value to me, I only want to record clean cut scenes. Please fix this error, or remove any writings from any cut scenes when we don't press F12, cause we really don't need them on cut scenes!!

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This being correct, plus I recently sometimes had problems in "A bloody Battle With Beritra" - not always but sometimes, even on a stronger computer - the screen went black in the end, after 2 last cut scenes about the battle with a huge dragon, Beritra's form, where the character must stand near the vortex gate teleporting them to Dragonrest Temple. That scene was lost and I had to close the Aion window, then the character appeared at Drakenseer's Depths. 

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