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Microsoft Visual C++ RUntime Library

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it`s 4th or maybe 5th night i trying to resolve c++ error,also,cotacted support,last support answer was that i have low gpu,but i play with that gpu much and no error

what i check is memory wit memory test in dos,hdd,reisntall game

this error stopping by put on low shader quality,but then no character quality

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7 minutes ago, Redcheeks-KT said:

it`s 4th or maybe 5th night i trying to resolve c++ error,also,cotacted support,last support answer was that i have low gpu,but i play with that gpu much and no error

what i check is memory wit memory test in dos,hdd,reisntall game

this error stopping by put on low shader quality,but then no character quality

Did you try downloading and installing these and restarting your computer afterward? 



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