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100% Manastone Enchant Supplement Selection Box question


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I purchased a dozen 100% Manastone Enchant Supplement Selection Box for socketing manastones on my ultimate gear.  I opened a few up, selected the ultimate supplement, and proceeded to try and socket a manastone on my gear... the manastone goes into the space in the Modify/Enchant window along with my piece of gear.... however, the supplement will NOT go into the space for it in the window.

Can someone tell me what I am doing wrong?

Is anyone else experiencing this problem?

Thanx in advance

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when you on manastone enchantment window, you need to select the stone you want to socket, and you need to select the supplement on the same window which next to it. remember you need to select supplement for each manastone. if you do 5 manastone in a row, supplement will only apply on first enchantment.

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17 hours ago, CrazyExGrlFriend-KT said:

I purchased a dozen 100% Manastone Enchant Supplement Selection Box for socketing manastones on my ultimate gear.  I opened a few up, selected the ultimate supplement, and proceeded to try and socket a manastone on my gear... the manastone goes into the space in the Modify/Enchant window along with my piece of gear.... however, the supplement will NOT go into the space for it in the window.

Can someone tell me what I am doing wrong?

Is anyone else experiencing this problem?

Thanx in advance

Did you try to right click on the supplement to "put it in the window" or did you click the little window to get the drop down menu and select the supplement? It might sound stupid to ask this, but maybe someone doesn't know how to put the supplement to the slot.

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