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Important Note to NCSoft


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Look at the amount of problems in your game right now:

1. Ever(gone) Canyon

2. Lugbug transfer glitch & Red Katalam

3. Sieges are now PvE focused bec of GP mobs and box

4. No normal kinah gain

5. No normal EXP gain

6. IB bugged and prob will never be fixed

7. Selective retune cost is insane

8. Enchant stone box purchase limited to 5 per week

9. No good costumes on BCM

10. Solutions to feedback are more “lets put item on BCM”.....daev essence, luna for minion vault reset....rather than actually putting in a way for players to earn them in game

11. No stigma protection

12 Daev skill books super slow to obtain and enchant

13. Irrelevant events - face it, we have minimal to no returning players when you anticipated we would have tons with Katalam coming back

14. Dredge is PvE - just collect and leave. Its purpose completely gone

15. Class imbalance

16. No decent enchantment stone gain.

17. Full p2w with Kaisenel becoming OP soon

18. Drop rates poor

19. Most zones that we once enjoyed are gone and could have been re-worked to be utilized well even if it was just for a small event popping every now and then

20. Free-to-play.....more like “free if you want to get pwnd 24/7”


Are you going to wake up anytime soon, or do you enjoy watching your game die?

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I agree on most of these, but the only thing really they are reverting to the original, is the transformation stats. Everyone kept asking for the transformations to get the official stats sine day one, because ours were nerfed, and now people complain about the ultimate ones. This is not NCWest's fault, as a matter of fact for more than 1 year we had nerfed toned down transforms that made everyone's game worse. It made people need the ultimate more when it came to reaching  caps, especially sorc, but also you are a SM you benefit from both c.speed and attack speed. Now your legendary transform will make you cast faster and attack faster. the ultimate transform was meant to be stronger than the legendary ones, why are people shocked? It is like comparing a legendary with an ancient.

I agree that 7.2 is making gear progress much slower, to newer player or those that didn't get their sets ready due to the enchant box limitation and due to our regional nerfs that either don't give cheap enchants in BCM or totally having no other way to get those. 7.0 also brought a insane amount of pve grind to get anything, and this is a regional nerf for not getting 1 ultimate in PF/IDD 100% like ALL other regions have except us. Someone needs to tell GMs here that when something becaome TOO hard, it doesn't get better, it simply drives the average player away from the game, and then die-hard whales or p2w people are the only ones left, so maps seem empty.

I disagree on your entry for Minium Vault, by having 2 entries per week and no way to reset, we would never see s-rank minions, with resets it will be finally possible. Please luna resetting is as old as luna currency itself. If you can reset pvp/pve instances that make gear progress, then making minion progress faster is the only right thing to be done instead of keeping it a niche thing where only a few lucky ones might have the RNG luck to get one. I just hope they do it as soon as possible, not the usual NCSoon.

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1 hour ago, Arhangelos-KT said:

I agree on most of these, but the only thing really they are reverting to the original, is the transformation stats. Everyone kept asking for the transformations to get the official stats sine day one, because ours were nerfed, and now people complain about the ultimate ones. This is not NCWest's fault, as a matter of fact for more than 1 year we had nerfed toned down transforms that made everyone's game worse. It made people need the ultimate more when it came to reaching  caps, especially sorc, but also you are a SM you benefit from both c.speed and attack speed. Now your legendary transform will make you cast faster and attack faster. the ultimate transform was meant to be stronger than the legendary ones, why are people shocked? It is like comparing a legendary with an ancient

A quickly feedback about this part.. if casters need some care with the cast speed transformations, the physical people need the CORRECT atk spd bases as well. We gonna run with casters with 0.3 cast speed while physicals like a GS user as binded to 1.2 while KR has 1.0 atk spd basis

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7 hours ago, RagdoII-DN said:

A quickly feedback about this part.. if casters need some care with the cast speed transformations, the physical people need the CORRECT atk spd bases as well. We gonna run with casters with 0.3 cast speed while physicals like a GS user as binded to 1.2 while KR has 1.0 atk spd basis

But this is due to casting skills is being ridiculous in the current patch where the majority of classes use instant skill at the cap attack speed even with ancient transforms some times, but defo with legendary. You have tank classes using instant skills for more dmg than a sorcerer's ulti and that 1.2 attack speed is not the worst especially when we are talking about templar that he is the absolute tank, doesn't get dmg and hits harder than a sorc. People forgot the roles of the classes, everyone wants to be the top dps class.

0.3 casting speed doesn't mean that my skills will cast in 0.3 seconds, it is a multiplier. My storm strike which isn't even a strong skill anymore, will be multiplied by it, 4 seconds x 0,3 = 1,2 seconds to cast in theory. And guess what, the enemy might have the ridiculous shields or defensive buffs that might even mute this even more, so we can't even compare casting speed or attack speeds between classes at all. There is no class balance.

The absolute worse thing is that a sin, or a gladiator, or a templar, can be happy reaching their cap attack speed as simple as that, BUT casting classes still need attack speed for the in-between skills. We no longer have attack speed magic weapons like we did in 5.8 and after the transformations the casting skills become ridiculously slow next to every instant skill user.


Sorcerers have been running with 0.4~0.3 casting speed with a legendary but have 2.1 attack speed as base, and look at where the class is. According to your theory sorcerers should rule it all due to c.speed cap, but it is not like this.

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