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Cleric and Glyphs


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I want to ask advice regarding glyphs and having different pvp sets. This all concerns pvp support cleric. Which is better and more suitable for a cleric with mr and evasion set in case of group pvp when we get focused since I’m retuning the glyphs for mr and evasion which ones would you use with each set?

Should I get 1 glyph of each of the following?
And split them between mr and evasion?

Fear resist

Stumble Resist

Knockback Resist

Sleep Resist

Aerial Thrust Resist

Paralysis Resist

Stun Resist

Silence Resist

Or grind doubles of Fear resist, Stumble Resist, Knockback Resist, Sleep Resist so that I have 1 for each set.

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7 hours ago, TokyoDawn said:

I want to ask advice regarding glyphs and having different pvp sets. This all concerns pvp support cleric. Which is better and more suitable for a cleric with mr and evasion set in case of group pvp when we get focused since I’m retuning the glyphs for mr and evasion which ones would you use with each set?

Should I get 1 glyph of each of the following?
And split them between mr and evasion?

  • Fear resist
  • Stumble Resist
  • Knockback Resist
  • Sleep Resist
  • Aerial Thrust Resist
  • Paralysis Resist
  • Stun Resist
  • Silence Resist

Or grind doubles of Fear resist, Stumble Resist, Knockback Resist, Sleep Resist so that I have 1 for each set.

This is only applicable to 1v1, in every other scenario the enemies' classes matter.

If your enemy group has SM then fear resistance is must because one mass fear = death. But silence is also bad because it also comes from sheba minion skill along with active silences that many classes have them. And of course stun sucks to get it constantly and pretty much every class has it.

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