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Attack speed for SW is it really need for sw in pve ?


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I'm talking about attack speed harp and gloves.
I think a SW can live without them in pve I use attack speed scroll and not really feel the different.

Right now my current rotation is using all instant skills first but lesson I got from gunner yday I'm thinking to put some high dmg charged skills first.
Going to experiment about it and see which is really fits with me o_o

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I believe that casting speed can be useful for SW, i use pulse between every chain or charged skill and it gives pretty solid numbers, and i dont run out of CD's that way. I wont deny the usefullnes of att spd, but i dont think its as necesary of an stat as they  say. Im mostly talking about the gloves, in the harp its super recommendable to get an AS underconvine for your main weap.

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Thank you for ur advise but I don't pvp as SW :)

Plus I tested harp with and without attack speed I don't really notice different in pve (I mean dps not the animation)
Somehow since I'm going to lose all attack speed I should focus on charging skills like frog unicorn and such as my first skills instead instantly skills.

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