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"Hidden Fortress" campaign quest problems


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Hello, I'm2 a level 65 glad. I haven't played in three years, two days I logged in and I can not remember the quest at all and I'm completely turned around. I don't have what the campaign is calling for. Can someone please assist me in this? It's very frustrating and I'd like to move on from it! 


- Samantha



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17 hours ago, saammy-KT said:

Hello, I'm2 a level 65 glad. I haven't played in three years, two days I logged in and I can not remember the quest at all and I'm completely turned around. I don't have what the campaign is calling for. Can someone please assist me in this? It's very frustrating and I'd like to move on from it!

- Samantha

What server/faction are you? When you are a returning player and you cannot get any campaigns, you need to level a little bit to trigger a campaign for you. Because the campaigns are a series and throughout the patches we got changes, whoever was already higher level was excluded from the lower level campaigns up to their level.

In this case you can do any blue quest to level up and then catch up the rest of the campaigns. Thankfully there is no campaign that is important for your progress other than just giving good XP, meaning you can get to level 80 without doing a single campaign and it won't halt your end game experience.

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8 hours ago, saammy-KT said:

I am on Katalam, faction is elyos. Thank you for the input! I guess I will wait patiently!

Well I cannot help you in-game then, I am on Asmodian KT, I would have taken you for some power leveling on easy mode until you ttriggered another campaign series.

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