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Instance Gear as Event Rewards


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I'm a little peeved that NC keeps putting instance gear as event rewards. It makes it so there's no point in running anything. All the wallet warriors can just drop a few hundred, get the entire set and then sit in Norsvold/Illuma showing off, never running the instance again. Or just throw 5-10bil, bam new set you never had to set foot into the instance for.  Yes, sure, SOME people couldn't even get a group to run bastion of souls. But it was the same for AoE/coe, everything. Eventually everyone will be able to run it. 

You make it so that all you have to do is wait for an event to get instance gear. Never have to run anything in the game. What's the point of doing ANY instance at all?

Promoting more afking in the game. 

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All these items are tradeable anyway. So not sure it matters if someone wins the piece in an event or buys it from the broker from someone that wins it in the instance. Really no difference between someone that blows and can't now and will never be able to run BoS running around in full BoS gear and someone that never PvPs and sucks beans at PvP running around in full level 75 aybss gear.

I remember when the DR gear and abyss gear were given away in an event. (It was the first Bonafide event.) Not long after that someone joined our legion with both sets. Turns out that not only had they not set foot in DR, they hadn't even been in Infinity Shard. It gets worse.. they had never even been in Tiamat's Stronghold. This was someone who had played Aion for years and years without actually -playing-. But they had cash and kinah and now had an endgame set. Perfect example of gear checks meaning nothing.

I agree that giving away endgame items in an event is silly and makes actually downing these instance irrelevant. But it does get people spending and someone has to pay for the game to keep running.

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Sure someone has to pay for the game but NC could have executed it better than just giving out easy gear and make doing instances completely irrelevant and unnecessary. Do they want us to play the game to afk? Put much needed items that always are in demand in bcm. We scream for certain skins and other things but takes months if ever for them to put them on bcm. There are so many things I'd throw down some cash instead of buying a pizza every week, if they just put it in bcm or something.

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