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NC failed once more


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Its been a month since i played on the classic server and  i still see no bots getting banned.The economy of the server its getting destroyed normal players cant make money from crafting anymore.

AND what nc does my lovely friends starts banning random acounts for botting ,one of the acounts getting banned was mine  and some friends also ,so  i get this e mail.

""This account has been observed in-game displaying numerous characteristics consistent with automated gameplay and the use of third party programs that cannot be replicated with the use of the macro system in-game and other available in-game tools. Please be advised that the use of third party programs with our games is a violation of the User Agreement and Rules of Conduct:""

I have this acount for more tha 13 years i never use 3rd party prog once in my life nc lifted my ban ofc so then i say "OMG they actually start doing work banning bots".

So  i log into game and i see same bots same places farming non stop.

The conclusion is yours to make.


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So...3 days ago when i was about to login i got the message "Login unavailable from blocked IPs or restricted accounnts. Please contact customer support." Also i couldnt log in in the site too.

I send an email to the customer support asking what happend to my account.  For 3 days i didn't get any answer.  Yesterday i got an  email "Your Siel's Aura subscription has been activated." 

Then I submitted a ticket cause noone answer to my emails asking again whats going on and why the siel aura reactivated when my acount is blocked. I cant login to stop the activation.
Today GM  answered me that "i got ban cause i used a third party program and that there is no further assistance we can provide you regarding this account or issue."

I answered to him and i asked him to give me proofs where and when i used a third party program! The only program that i am using is to reduse my ping cause i am playing from Europe and my ping is high! 

So they banned me for no reason while the server is full of bots! While i am banned they didnt forget to take my money and reactivate my Aura!

Today they sent me another message telling that i will be  unbanned  as a one-time exception 4 days from now.

Anyways the only thing i want is to log in and cancel my auto renewal and never log in again, because if they rng ban like this then you never know when it will happen again.

Last but not least , the banned acount i am talking about is 8year old and i have never used any third party programms but as they cannot provide proof that i am botting so can't i so it is what it is

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5 hours ago, Incursio said:

Anyways the only thing i want is to log in and cancel my auto renewal and never log in again, because if they rng ban like this then you never know when it will happen again.

If they don't unban you, make sure you do a chargeback. Normally, a chargeback would cause you to GET banned, but since you already are, of course there is no reason not to do it. It's outrageous that they would charge a Siel's Aura sub on a banned account.

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same thing happen to me , i got the same tipe block i send 2 tickets asking whats happen and still got no answer about.

when i used my outher account to talk with staff a GM send a email saying the case as see as high priority and decded to close the account.


so where are the reason? where are the proves? nothing!


they just say its done and done.

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