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Unofficial Kybele's daily login event!


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Hello everyone!

I will gift some useful items to first 10 players who whisper to Kybele (or Ponci) after daily reset for a week.

  • Day 1 - Greater Running Scroll 20x + Greater Courage/Awakening Scroll x10 + Greater Recovery Serum x10
  • Day 2 - Greater Running Scroll 20x + Graater Crit Strike/Magical Crit Scroll x10 + Greater Recovery Serum x10 
  • Day 3 - Greater Running Scroll 20x + Greater Courage/Awakening Scroll x10 + Greater Recovery Serum x10 
  • Day 4 - Greater Running Scroll 20x + Graater Crit Strike/Magical Crit Scroll x10 + Greater Recovery Serum x10 
  • Day 5 - Greater Running Scroll 20x + Greater Courage/Awakening Scroll x10 + Greater Recovery Serum x10 
  • Day 6 - Greater Running Scroll 20x + Graater Crit Strike/Magical Crit Scroll x10 + Greater Recovery Serum x10 

Only Israphel Elyos players can participate this event.
Just whisper "Hello" to Kybele or Ponci.
Only who are not in Kybele's or Ponci's block list and friend list  can participate this event.

I wish give more gifts to more players but i am just PLAYER (non p2w) and i dont have enough scrolls to give everyone.

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