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  1. sent a ticket to NCsot and they told me to keep posting on forums HAHAHAHAHAHAH they are a big joke. i'm just dropping this event, not this time i will get the denku set
  2. @Wisspwe cannot farm enough Firework Powder to get de Popoku's Outfit Chest it costs 300x powders and the best we can get doing all weeklies and dailies during the event duration is 272 firework powders (the skin costs 300)
  3. this event is ultra capped at 1 snowball per account for non-prestige like no one willl truly waste time letting various accounts online during the day
  4. @Wissp the server crashed and we lost a lot of progress on stormwing event because of that. many of us left the character afk while we work or sleep. can we get some type of compensation on that? it would be very appreciated by the community. also, the silentera canyon event will take place on retail or classic servers?
  5. the event is really nice but requiring 24 days fully logged in to upgrade your stormwing to maximum level seems INSANE. this event is supposed to be easy, we need some days to upgrade it but not the total event time
  6. should be nice if NCsoft added some (not so new) endgame content to this stormwing event, like holy waters, refining stone or event prime/dazzling shards
  7. @Wissp welcome to Aion (and other ncsoft games) to all staff members! I Hope we can get an update on Luna and Broker situation. I remember that integrating broker and allowing players to buy quna/luna with kinah was something that NCsoft was planning to do, but after some of the team left, we never got an update on it
  8. surveys are sent manually but I think they forgot, LMAO still waiting for it too
  9. still waiting for a way to get luna by playing the game i'll never forgive ncsoft for removing luna from arenas aaaaaaaaaaaawnwnwnw
  10. maybe another random event where u spend hours to farm another poorly recycled skin
  11. why people are freaking out and combining LOTS of legendary xforms today? there is some bug going on?
  12. not sure it was not mentioned on patch notes
  13. do you think we're getting empyrean water compensation in this patch? there is not mentioning it on patch notes
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