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In Search for the Sirocco Mask -please help-


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hello everyone, im a mage lvl 30 and found out about the cool looking windspirit helm name the "sircocco Mask" .  The only information i can find about it is that it should be dropped from a treasure box in ice claw village morheim. unfortunally i havent been able to find any treasure box in the village at all . so i wanted to ask you guys if someone already found it or knows more about the treasure box locations. 


if your reading this and have a siroccos mask left over i would also love to buy it lol

thanks for your help in advance


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Most of the old guides were deleted, yet with a bit of digging you should be able to find one.
That you did not find any actual treasure chest is no surprise because those are camped heavily. I suggest to wait for the incoming empyrean crucible (in a few days) where it drops of the spirits in an early stage (atleast it used to) and skip the hassle.

Edited by Stormwing
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45 minutes ago, Stormwing said:

Most of the old guides were deleted, yet with a bit of digging you should be able to find one.
That you did not find any actual treasure chest is no surprise because those are camped heavily. I suggest to wait for the incoming empyrean crucible (in a few days) where it drops of the spirits in an early stage (atleast it used to) and skip the hassle.

first of all thank you for your comment it was very helpful. i found and old guide but the treasure box locations were a bit vague and not that detailed, adding to that the fact they get camped i think the "empyrean crucible" would be the better way to go.  but more questions now opend up. i just started comming back to aion  2 days ago so i not familiar with the empyrean crucible ^^.  is it like a event period where drops are different ?   could u maybe elaborate on that ? because when i google empyrean crucible iit says its a dungeon / ini ? 

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