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Let us buy Plats with event coins!


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Please let us buy some plats with event coins. There's no way we can get a full set before the next patch come  and everything we'll be outdated!

It takes really long to get at least 4 plats a day, if we only own our side forts. Tempus is ridiculous with that platforming section, it's too much effort and time to get 50% of chance to get one plat. We can only do the PvE arena two times a weak, wich is ridiculous too.

And the super addicted players will always have advantage, cause they play everyday for like 10 hours. Normal people can't play everyday.

And fix the drop rate too!

Edited by Karel
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5 hours ago, Squid said:

If server has not shot down already why would it shut down in a few weeks?

There are some trolls that think that NA players will all want to move to Gameforge in the EU when they launch Classic in a few weeks, and suffer a longer ping.


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11 minutes ago, Cyfur said:


There are some trolls that think that NA players will all want to move to Gameforge in the EU when they launch Classic in a few weeks, and suffer a longer ping.


What NA players? this server is like 65% europeans, 15% hispanics, 10% americans, 10% asian/others. (from the 20% non-bots).

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