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Weekly Server Maintenance - May 2, 2023 [Aion]

GM Vega

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  • Aion Team

Greetings Daevas!


Tomorrow we will be holding our regularly scheduled maintenance for Aion. Downtime will begin at 3:00 pm PDT / 10:00 pm UTC / 5:00 pm CDT and will conclude after approximately 3 hours 30 minutes.


Aion Maintenance Notes

The following changes will be coming to the game during this maintenance:


  • 8.4 Update Login (Atreian Passport) Event Ends
  • Chioring's Buff Event Ends (May 3)
  • Paragon Event Pass Ends (May 3)
  • Daeva Pass Season 7 Ends (May 3)
  • Daeva Pass Season 8 Begins
    • Duration: May 3 - May 31
    • Mission Ends on May 29
  • Aion Login Reward Event Begins (7 Days)
    • Event Period: May 2 – May 8


Thank you!

The Aion Team

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I mean nice event,  but the real issue is 0 ways to make luna and with the new pass costing 2250 luna people really are not gonna pay for that....you already ask for the prestige pass which is 15$  luna is 50$+ a month ....your asking 75$ a month BASE to play and support your game.....you need to readd the way to make luna in this or you will soon have no players left....every version but ours has luna pouch enabled in the contaminated underpass instance,   you REALLY need to do something to fix this NOW before its a ghost land.... you have to use luna for ,   selective retuning,  resetting instances, luna res, luna buff, Daeva pass,  you new EVENT pass, opening wardrobe.......so many uses for this and literally 0 ways to farm luna in game..... FIX IT NOW or lose your players.    Not to mention people who paid for the daeva pass last month wasnt even able to use the season 7 jewel box because you all NEVER fixed that..... please listen to your players this is the worst its ever been.   

I hope that you read this and implement a fix NOW this is an EMERGENCY issue



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Agreed, the Luna issue is a huge problem and has a massive effect on the player base and if another season starts with no hope in site we will lose even more players.

The survey login event is amazing, though. Wish there were Paragon +6 boxes and Blessed Paragon stones but can't get everything. At least Asmo faction can get their rune sets. Please even just add luna bags to free side of daeva pass. Every other level would be 22 bags if go all way to 44 and 500 luna per character - people can just do 20 levels on some alts and have enough Luna to buy daeva pass every month.

Aside from Luna most urgent need is Paragon 9 pieces on Asmo side to help balance. If Beauty comes with a few they wipe our whole alliance at forts sometimes (Divine over 24 people and they killed us all in under 2 mins). I'm sure they want competitive asmo.


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1 hour ago, Zappies-DN said:

De acuerdo, el problema de Luna es un gran problema y tiene un efecto masivo en la base de jugadores y si comienza otra temporada sin esperanza en el sitio, perderemos aún más jugadores.

Sin embargo, el evento de inicio de sesión de la encuesta es increíble. Ojalá hubiera cajas de Paragon +6 y piedras de Paragon bendito, pero no puedo conseguir todo. Al menos la facción de Asmo puede obtener sus conjuntos de runas. Por favor, solo agregue bolsas de luna al lado libre del pase daeva. Cualquier otro nivel sería de 22 bolsas si llegara a 44 y 500 lunas por personaje: las personas pueden hacer 20 niveles en algunas alternativas y tener suficiente Luna para comprar un pase de daeva cada mes.

Aparte de Luna, la necesidad más urgente es Paragon 9 piezas en el lado de Asmo para ayudar a equilibrar. Si Beauty viene con algunos, a veces borran toda nuestra alianza en los fuertes (divina a más de 24 personas y nos mataron a todos en menos de 2 minutos). Estoy seguro de que quieren asmo competitivo.


Zappies you forgot to ask to put the runes and gems +10 together with the paragon +9 is always the paragon+9 as we took the time to farmien also what you could do and now ask to put them paragon event +9 for the side asmo already give laughter lol

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Totally agree about Luna, and maybe a xform event? the one we get an ultimate for combining and failing so many times would be nice. maybe IDK something to incentivize people to want to play this game again? if you take all the nice stuff away no one will spend money on your super p2w events, i mean over the cost of a ps5 and still have a +++++8 paragon orb?? what kinda rates are those? Are you guys trying to run us off so you can jsut shuty it down?


Thanks for reading this,

Concerned Player

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3 hours ago, Resonantt-KT said:

Zappies you forgot to ask to put the runes and gems +10 together with the paragon +9 is always the paragon+9 as we took the time to farmien also what you could do and now ask to put them paragon event +9 for the side asmo already give laughter lol

Farm paragon 9? Nice try. Suck something.

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48 minutes ago, Zappies-DN said:

Farm paragon 9? Nice try. Suck something.

Zappies clear that to farm those that now we have the paragon equipment was because we farmed stones of enchantment to raise it we do not spend every week as you asking to put paragon+9 the paragon team this long ago if you did not take your time to farmear for it is not the fault of the elyo I tell you with all respect and affection😊

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If you read clearly I said +6 boxes because we -need- +9 to compete and have balance. You have easymode so obviously you can buy from broker, but Asmo can't so we need help to achieve balance.

You are insinuating that Asmo do not farm? But truly Asmo farm much more than Elyos because we have to because we don't get everything handed to us and carried by Blue Bird.

Good for NCSoft if more people get +9 because everyone will try to get +10 then.  Good for pvp. Imagine fight for Agent and Ardath all the time? 

If we get many +6 for sale - we can go for +9, but when broker is empty then Kaldor is only option and the drop rate there is terrible its for afk people.

Look our broker some time ago:


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Please, we need ways to get "moons", also options to farm the "water" as it was in the first season, all that could be sold and assembled more easily. aion is not only p2w. We need 'trade' back in the game." now you focus everything on PvE and PvP. but you would make it easier for your events to be at least tradeable in the same account. What is the point of putting untradeable events in the same account or in a general way.

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Talking about what matters no, lets talk about luna because is the only thing missing.
Can spend thousands in paragon but cry for 30-50 dollars for luna.
Most of the people complaining about luna is 100% vanilla subscribers.
selfish bullshit is the only thing i see

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