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<Void> is recruiting & looking for players interested in running content! (TM-A)


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Void is a small gaming group established in 2009. We originally started in Aion on the server Meslamtaeda (New Zikel/Tiamat) as a group of social adults dedicated to steady progression, end game PvPvE and an emphasis on fun. Our primary goal is to offer the best experience possible to our players.


Every successful legion needs a direction and goals in order to progress. Void is no different. Our main goal is to strengthen each and every member of Void for PvE and PvP. That means armor, weapons, quests, campaigns, leveling and anything else we can do to enhance each other's playtime and effectiveness. Unless we work together and strengthen those around us we will not succeed.

Just want to run with us?

Not interested in joining? No problem at all.  We're always up for meeting new people and completing content.

What you need to know:

  • We are typically active from 8pm - 12am Eastern Time, seven days a week.
  • We are looking for players interested in rifting and PvP/PvE instances.
  • Our current team is: Cleric, Chanter and Assassin with an occasional second Assassin.  We are looking for classes that compliment this configuration.
  • You must be able to use the Twitch App or Discord for voice chat.
  • The more serious the content the more serious our level requirements.  70+ will get you included on just about everything though.

If you're interested in running with us regularly or just occasionally please reach out to me in game.

Interested in joining Void?

We have the understanding that we are all adults with real life responsibilities, families and careers and that these responsibilities come first!  Void recruits members based on their personality, play times and positive feedback from current members.


  1. You must be 18 or older.
  2. You must be able to install our Voice Chat client of choice (Currently the Twitch App) for group/legion activities. You can get it here: https://app.twitch.tv
  3. All potential recruits must participate in at least one activity with legion members and receive positive recommendations.
  4. Please be level 70+.

If you are looking for a stable legion that you can create long-term bonds with while enjoying gaming and you value fun and friendship then I encourage you whisper or mail me in game.

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